Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay part 91 – Songbird's Fate (CP2077 2.0 Phantom Liberty DLC)

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First time blind Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay with the Phantom Liberty DLC enabled and no mods – but maybe later? Since I never saw or played Cyberpunk before, we’re starting a new game from the beginning!

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4 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay part 91 – Songbird's Fate (CP2077 2.0 Phantom Liberty DLC)”

  1. 37:34 Man I see that driving and still just cant get how almost no games get driving good nowadays… I like the old ways of like gta san andreas and such but most newer games have these extremely arcady driving that you look like not having any feel for whatever you do.

  2. I personally clicked with the DLC and I liked the characters, but I know what you mean, you only get a mission or two with each of the characters in the DLC, which makes it hard to properly care about them.
    Myers is interesting, and it was an opportunity for wider world building, (which was provided in a couple instances) but after the initial mission you only really get one or two cutscenes and then she's gone.
    Alex wants to be interesting, but again, it's like, three cutscenes and a few bits here and there, and that's her presence rolled up.
    I would have liked to get more time with Reed and So Mi, but I was happy enough with their character work in the DLC. I stuck with So Mi to one of the other DLC endings, so I probably have a more well rounded perspective of them both having both played the other ending and seen your playthrough with the characters.

    You might well be aware, but the FIA Surgery is a game ending. So uhh, make sure you do a hard save before you initiate that if you want to keep on going to see the original game endings.


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