Cyberpunk 2077 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Review

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Reviewed by Destin Legarie on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Also available on PC and Google Stadia.

“If your only option right now is playing Cyberpunk 2077 on either of the base console platforms, I highly suggest you don’t play at all until its many terrible performance issues are fixed. And if you’ve already bought it and had an experience similar to what I’ve described, you should absolutely get a refund if possible. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions are simply not in an acceptable state, and it makes me sad to think that so many people are having their first Cyberpunk 2077 experience ruined this way – because when it works, it’s a fantastic RPG.”


38 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Review”

  1. So your saying Fallout 76 is better then Cyberpunk 2077 on Console ? Wierd because the Story is 10 Times better i had a total of 2 Crashes over 80 hours and some minor Bugs and Frame drops and thats a 4/10 ? Then you have to give every Ubisoft Game of the last 5 Years a 4/10.

  2. Does anybody else feel like gaming companys do not care nearly as much about the customers then they did. I get it, you got some guy who knows nothing about gaming telling you need to hurry up and finish and I'd not you might get fired. But come on. I better be getting a refund.

  3. Maybe we wouldn’t have this problem this year if they manufactured 100 million ps5 consoles instead 15-20 million consoles and then scalpers buy up all the ps5s and sell them for double the price, I really hope sony REALLY step there game up next year with the consoles I want to be able to go to the store and purchase one without having to wait 3-4 months at a time just for them
    To be bought up by bots, Sony needs to get there priorities straight and make the purchase system more strict if making a few consoles a year is going to be the case for a while

  4. Why did CDPR just think they could just release the game unplayable without showing anyone how it would run on base model next gen? Seems really out of place for them to do something like that. Out of a lot of companies, CDPR has usually been one of the ones that cares the most about their player base. I guess not so much this time around.

  5. I’m playing on my base PS4, about 10 hours in and for the most part it’s been smooth. Minor frame rate dips here and there and only crashed once. I don’t experience as bad load in as been described… I must just have a freak of nature base PS4 😎

  6. My buddy and I knew for months to not go anywhere near this game at launch for consoles. CDPR committed fraud and I've never been more disgusted with a company ever. I'm glad their stock dropped over 30% and I'm glad they're issuing refunds. However, there is absolutely no excuse for this.

  7. This is such a shame. I am loving the game on PC. kids who get this on PS4 for Christmas are going to be very confused and upset. I think we all remember playing games on Christmas day and being so excited to play over Christmas break. But those days are ruined by long day one patches, hard disk downloads, and now, unfinished optimization issues. Video games are on a fast track to death if major studios dont get it together. 2020 has had some very bad games unfortunately. And it doesn't look like its gonna get any better 😔

  8. Just like twitter and forums said:
    "get a better console or pc hurr durr!!"
    Sarcasm aside, selling unplayable (majorly) game for older console whilst KNOWING that console player base still in the majority is an outright scam. Even GTA and skyrim isn't this unplayable at launch.

  9. This game shouldn't have been released for Xbox one/ps4 base models, the game is just to graphically demanding, these consoles only have 1 Tflop of power that is nothing, I would say the crapy HDD and slow Vram in them is why the textures take so long to load, PC is an amazing experience and that's all that matters to me.

  10. I’m a let everyone know that this is a amazing game . Just bc it cant run on 8th gen consoles don’t mean it’s a bad game . Ps5 series x/s and pc players are enjoying this . It’s 9.5/10

  11. A lot of you 8th gen owners should invest in a series S . It’s a 120 FPS machine at 1440p or 1080p . Same hardware as the X and give the developers time to get acquainted with the series hardware and it’ll catch everyone off guard. The series S is the biggest sleeper of all consoles .


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