Cyberpunk 2077 FINALLY Returns to PlayStation, But With a Big Surprise

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Today we take a look at the news that Cyberpunk 2077 has returned to the PlayStation store. This marks about a 6-month removal from the store and comes just after update 1.23 for the game.



FPS Comparison:
CDPR Notice on Return:

Author –

#Cyberpunk2077 #CDPR #CyberpunkPlayStation


49 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 FINALLY Returns to PlayStation, But With a Big Surprise”

  1. I bought the physical copy day one and still haven't finished it. I stopped playing about half way through and decided to just wait until they got it working. Same as Witcher 3. Cdpr is still my favorite game producer. My personal boycott against ea still stands.

  2. all these console peasants still bitching about the game crack me up. i've had the game since release and played through a few times without issue. i only experienced a ctd once, and that was because i was trying out a mod when the game first came out and modders were just getting started working on the game. after uninstalling the mod i haven't had any game breaking issues whatsoever. all these crybabies must never have played a Bethesda game before…

  3. CDPR should reconsider on delaying the PS5/XS port till they're finished fixing and optimizing the last gen ports. It wasn't a good move that they decided to release Cyberpunk 2077 on all platforms on day one and I have no idea why they did that. I hope they take good notes on how Rockstar does theirs when it comes to their port release windows.

  4. So let me get this right. They put it back on the store for only 10 bucks less then retail on the other platforms and give clear warnings that it still may not work? Why even put it on the store at all for PS4 or sell a physical for PS4 if it STILL. DOESN'T. WORK? Honestly the game isn't even worth the $60 price tag anymore, even with the updates and patches.

  5. Playstation: For the best experience on Playstation, just play on the PS4 Pro or the PS5 console.
    Everyone else that don't own either of those consoles yet: Yeah, about that…. 😂

  6. I have a feeling that every update so far was just to polish the game well enough to qualify it back on the ps store. Maybe we can finally start getting some substantial updates from now on.

  7. DO YOU NOT FEEL LIKE A COMPLETE IDIOT? FOR HYPING UP A TERRIBLE GAME & LOOK HOW IT TURNED OUT. OOF. I feel sorry for the people who made a strictly Cyberpunk channel & look how it turned out. On twitch, they have less than 300 people watching overall.

  8. Some people are experiencing bugs , some not, i played this game when i bought series x with it,when i heard that we have some issues with it i decided to stop , now the game is back on ps store so its a good sign to come back but still i can and i will wait more, i have tons of games to play, in general yes maybe some people have the right to complain but still some of my friends managed to finish the game and they were happy, cd p did some mistakes but you gotta remember, for me as a gamer it was obvious that the game will run better on new gen and pcs and second not everyone is experiencing bugs but you tubers like to talk about bugs but they wont mention to you that you may Not experience them at all

  9. I got this new for $20 about a month after releasing. I don't recall the number, but it was on the second update. I'm playing on the PS4 Slim and the only issues I've had are the vanishing NPCs and close spawning cops. It's run perfectly otherwise. No idea why, seeing as how just about everyone else has had tons of problems.

  10. The crashes on PS5 is what made me stop initially (I bruteforced myself through the endings.. I'm one of those suckers who like the setting/story). What scares me in stopping a new run is that some bugs seem to stick in save games, so I'm just waiting for the next-gen upgrade..

  11. I mean ffs, I've been keeping up to date with this 'fixing the console version' and it seems to me that every single patch, weeks apart, they just TWEAKED GRAPHICS SETTINGS ABOUT. They tried very hard to keep the city population on high, the reflections above medium, but when you look at the game now when it's at a stable it's like they finally decided to lower those two key settings which fixed it.

    I mean for fuck's sake just let console players tweak their own graphics setting. For fucks sake. FFS. They waited HALF A YEAR for them to tweak some fucking settings. I did this on DAY ONE as a pc player and fixed my framerate problems. ON DAY ONE.

  12. The reason it's full price for the Xbox and PC is…it actually runs stable on a well equipped PC and Series X. I know this as I played Cyberpunk 2077 for over 150 hours on the Series X without any crashes and minimal visual glitches. My fiancee on the other hand played it on the PS5 *physical and it constantly crashed. Unlike me she experienced huge game breaking bugs as well.

    Addendum- Why would you need to wait a couple of days for shipping? Go into a GameStop and buy the game. We purchased both of our physical copies from GameStop without issue.

  13. I've been playing cyberpunk on Playstation 4 slim since I don't own a pro but honestly I haven't really experience any major bugs so far just a few bugs via interface like map, perks, inventory, just to name a few

  14. "With a Big Surprise" price decrease for game that has ton of issues isn't surprise (for instant Fallout got price decreased), if you want you can act like "who saw that coming" fine but everyone kinda knew this would happen

  15. Me not ever seeing anything about cyberpunk until it was released I enjoyed the game. I also don’t mind visual bugs they just don’t bother me that much.

  16. I played with version 1.03 in December through all game and got a lot of fun on PC. Not even one game breaking bugs was occured. There was several minor glitches (like people walking through wall), but no more than you can expect with any other game after release.
    This game is the best what happened in gaming industry since Disco Elysium (2019), and even now it's story, characters and atmosphere is unbeaten

  17. Interesting that cyberpunk on ps5 store costs 50€ but on xbox is 70€, one thing is for sure I will never buy any product from cdpr again, the only one I bought was the witcher 3 and I'm done with them


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