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Complete walkthrough of Ending 1 in Cyberpunk 2077. This ending is also called The Devil. Video shows every step required to reach this Cyberpunk 2077 final ending. In addition, you can see all the special cutscenes during the credits section. In Ending 1, V trusts Hanako Arasaka and rescues her from Yorinobu Arasaka (her brother). They both then fly to Arasaka Tower and go down to the basement so Soburo Arasaka’s engram can speak to them. Later, V goes up the elevator and encounters Adam Smasher, and defeats him. V finds Yorinobu and Hanako then enters and hugs him, cradling him. As reward for helping her capture Yorinobu, V is sent up to an orbiting Arasaka space station to perform surgery on her to fix her biochip implant. The surgery is not a complete success and V then has to choose between going inside Mikoshi to await a body compatible with her phenotype, or return to Earth and live a limited life of a few months. The CD Projekt Red credits roll after her decision and Many characters give brief cutscenes during this credits section. The characters that make cutscene appearances are: Viktor Vektor, Mama Welles, Judy Alvarez, Panam Palmer, Saul Bright, Mitch Anderson, Rogue Amendiares, Kerry Eurodyne, River Ward, Hanako Arasaka (If you choose to return to Earth), Jefferson Peralez, and Misty Olszewski. Note that during these tests on V, the television plays the news talking about Saburo taking over Yorinobu’s body. Gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 (PS5).
0:00 Introduction
0:07 Choose Ending 1
3:13 Get Misty’s Fortune for Choosing Ending 1
6:14 Rescue Hanako Arasaka
13:00 Talk to Saburo Arasaka in Mikoshi
20:40 Defeat Adam Smasher Guarding Yurinobu Arasaka
30:51 Confront Yorinobu Arasaka
35:46 Talk to Johnny Silverhand One Last Time
41:47 Get Operation On Space Station
1:08:34 Choose To Enter Mikoshi
1:14:35 Choose To Return To Earth
1:18:18 Sell All Credit Cutscenes
1:25:41 Hanako Appears If You Return to Earth
1:26:28 Rest of Cutscenes Are The Same
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