Cyberpunk 2077: Enter V's Mansion (Update 2.0) – David and Lucy's Mansion

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Update 2.0: Enter V’s Mansion in Cyberpunk 2077. This is also David and Lucy’s Mansion in Edgerunners anime. Get into V’s Mansion early or revisit V’s Mansion after the endgame. Normally, you are not allowed to enter V’s Mansion unless you have already completed the game in one of the Panam endings. However, if you use this video as a guide, you can re-enter the mansion at any time with no restrictions. Cyberpunk 2077 has special endings for V and this mansion is a reward in one of those endings. Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay on PlayStation 5 (PS5). #cyberpunk2077

David Martinez Jacket:
All Loot inside Mansion (Version 1.05):
Get to Mansion (Ver 1.06):
Get to Mansion (Ver 1.12):
Get to Mansion (Ver 1.2):
Get to Mansion (Ver 1.22):

edepot’s Cyberpunk 2077 Playlist:

0:00 How to Enter V’s Mansion in Update 2.0 of Cyberpunk 2077
0:08 Go on Top of Elevator outside V’s apartment
1:37 Air call cars
3:04 Go down to V’s Mansion grounds
3:45 Explore V’s Mansion (Floor 1 and 2)
5:13 How to go to 3rd and 4th Floor
5:46 How to go through glass doors (early game)
7:00 How to exit V’s Mansion (early game)

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6 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Enter V's Mansion (Update 2.0) – David and Lucy's Mansion”

  1. Pretty cool. If you find time, do you think you could try and find a way to glitch to the top of the Black Sapphire? That's Kurt Hansen's skyscraper in dogtown. I've managed to get inside, but the elevator doesnt allow you to use it, and the solid floors which are easy to jump to are only solid up to a certain point, afterwards they have no collision and cant be climbed normally up to a certain point. Hopefully you'll be able to figure something out because it's a really cool area.


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