Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
When it comes to planning out and creating your character, for a lot of people, it’s half the fun of an rpg. Thanks to Galax for sponsoring this video.
Building your character isn’t easy to wrap your head around in Cyberpunk. You have attributes, which play many roles, skills, which govern many things, and perks, which wrap a nice big bow on your character – as well as items and cyberware choices. But most choices will be locked in from the start. So in this video I will give you the ultimate top level overview of everything you need to know, minus any spoilers, so you understand how to play exactly the way you want to.
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0:00 Introduction
0:42 Attributes
4:36 Skills
10:12 Helping me eat
11:25 Perks
Sources- HEAD SPLITTER – (check him out!) (BladeRunner, Hyperpunk, Neon Drive, Destiny, Welcome to Night City) Donkey Kong Country (Rare) CDPR CP2077 Trailers
#Cyberpunk2077 #CDPR #Cyberpunk
🙁 my laptop only has a 2070 super
wait so can you eventually unlock all of the perks?
I'm confused there is no link to actually buy the cards you are advertising. Why is that? Since you just did an advertisement for a product, that surely means you can direct those who you subjected to said advertisement as to where they may actually purchase the advertised product, right? Otherwise it would be completely pointless and more then a bit insensitive to run an advertisement you know almost nobody outside of streamers will ever actually be able to buy since they made just enough stock for Twitch streamers and YouTubers.
THUMBS DOWN for the product placement. Come on man.
So I'm guessing my body stat is too low to open those trailer doors at the start of Nomad?
I'm here to report that my explosives hacker build works beautifully I even made myself look like the joker with a bat,we live in a cyber society lmao.
Trust me everyone should invest in technical.
Fuck it runs like shit on the ps4 unplayable
I’m 16 hours in and recently made my first major cyber ware purchase….gorilla arms! They’re badass
Anyone know the name of the song that plays here?
Focus on handguns and obtain Johnny's pistol
Can u max out all attributes to 20 if not then what's the highest u can get to?
6:33 There is no mentioning of the Projectile Launch System in the engineering tree. Are you sure about that?
Attributes have zero effect on the game. You can still do it all
blunts r nonlethal
me:smashes someone's head into goo…
I've been playing this game all night and the combat sucks
Tite very tite
This is what we wanted from Rage 2
yeah man we'd all love to have a 3080 lol no one can buy them.
"overspecialization is slow death"
am so glad I put attribute points in technical abilities but perk points in intelligence and cool
DON'T MESS UP! ls such a strange title for this video. The game is about replayability and also you will have more than enough Eurodollars to respec by the time you have "messed up".
You just show me some menu's im seeing for the first time😅 and im already 8hrs in the game😂… And in my personal opinion, this game's godlike status is way overrated🙄 its just a great rpg👌nothing more, nothing less
anyone going to do a pure melee build? body and reflexes only?
Ultimate starting guide step (1) refund the game
Idk why he showed the hammer for non lethal. I’ve definitely smashed a couple skulls with the sledgehammer
I play these kinda games where I level every skill equally if I can
For those who played the games already. Is it possible to get all perks to max or is there any limit to perk points you get ?
Amazing video but i would like to know how/where can i learn deflecting bullets with katana ☹️
I spent over 2-3 hours yesterday just reading and studying all this stuff. Thanks for this man 👌
game is of course not balanced. reflex katana skill tree is too op.
I want to be a strong solo what should I invest in body? And reflexes?
Dude finna Tell us how to play a game smh
I really wish to see a stealth, hack + blades build
Ad from nividia about a product that "DOESN'T EXIST"
The luxuriant jennifer chiefly grate because pediatrician conceptually overflow to a previous couch. quick, false familiar famous open
I love the “help me eat” tag
I'm not watching this because of potential spoilers and experiencing character building myself, but to anyone scared of "messing up": You can re-spec. Cost 100000 in-game cash. Just buy at a certain vendor.
cool "surprisingly" comes up a lot in conversations. (how is that surprising, surtanly less surprising than every other attribute)
Can you "rebuild" in a saber character. I mean can I restart my build in the dame charac?
it's a single player rpg.. mess up whatever you want and stop watching these videos that ruin your game experience
I'm enjoying the game, even on the PS4's limitations. Crashes, graphical bugs, etc., but everything that is meant to be there is done pretty damn well. Not a lot of things were well explained, but the game is fun.
Don't need any youtuber to tell me how to play this game, just like every youtuber thinking they are better on all games.
i already did. i need to use cheat engine to fix my attribute since i there's no way to respect it.
Cyberpunk 2077 is trash. Overhyped bugfest .
"Tips for leveling and etc"
"Anything works basically so do what you want"