Cyberpunk 2077 – Dexter Deshawn Death Scene

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21 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Dexter Deshawn Death Scene”

  1. One of the weird things about this scene is the lack of surprise on dex
    Like the man/women you just killed came crawling back from the dead
    Like if it was me seeing this i would floored it out of the city and Arasaka would be the last thing i would be afraid of
    But he just seemed chill about it
    And another thing people in NC seems to know about V coming back from the dead but who would have told them doubted it would be takamura

  2. I think the reason dex got capped is because he called takemura “dawg” and since takemura isn’t from America and probably took it as calling him a dog as a sign of disrespect. You can see takemuras reaction to it as a “wtf you just call me” before shooting him


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