Cyberpunk 2077: Beyond the Bugs | Unabbreviated Reviews

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The experiences of Cyberpunk 2077 is inconsistent, to say the least. My issues were sporadic, but not easy to ignore. Luckily I made it to the end in a way that I was satisfied with and it seems like there’s something good hidden behind the many issues. I hope that, in time, CD Projekt can dig its way out of this hole with the spoon they used to bury themselves and make this game what it clearly has the potential to be.

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21 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Beyond the Bugs | Unabbreviated Reviews”

  1. Came here from ACG's Twitter. Good review where especially the visualisations of the bugs was very telling, although the introductionary words werea bit too abrupt and arrived at the conclusion too quickly for my personal taste.

    That being said I am leaving my sub and looking forward to more content.

  2. Here from ACG's recommendation. I really enjoyed this review! The positive, appreciating moments balanced out the bugs and very obvious issues the game has. Looking forward to more!

  3. How can you say you're interested in story-rich games and then call dialogues tedious? 6:15
    Cyberpunk gives you even the possibility to skip most of it, even the ones in the car 6:55 or the "walk and talk" sections.
    IMHO it only becomes a problem when some bug ruins it and you're forced to replay X minutes of it. Even then though… skip! Skip! Skip!

  4. I found stealth and hacking to be awesome. Only really early on was I unsure about if I would kill someone in one hit or not… Stealthing around, hacking cameras and blinding people and sniping them in the head with a silenced pistol was dope, and legitimately felt like a better option than run and gun on Hard mode because, while the AI was dumb, they would still 2 hit me a lot of the time. And eventually replacing that pistol with a Katana and going around one hitting everyone after super jumping behind them……. This game actually has some great gameplay but it is very muddy in some ways that hinder the experience quite a lot.

    I really think this game will be something amazing in a year or so.


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