Cyberpunk 2077 Better Driving – Vehicle Steering Sensitivity EASY FIX

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Here is a short guide on how to fix the steering of all vehicles and improve the driving experience in the much anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 game.


24 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Better Driving – Vehicle Steering Sensitivity EASY FIX”

  1. Seems like an improvement, but like the real issue is that a keyboard is binary input: You're steering hard left or hard right, with no shades in between.
    I've considered getting analog stick controls, just to use when driving in this game.

  2. Seriously thank you! Your video has savaged the driving in this game for me, i had resigned myself to running frigging miles everywhere because the driving was just rubbish, now i can use vehicles again. You're a champ man!

  3. Thank you for the video, I would recommend diffrent sound settings with your mic though or a diffrent mic.

    I set youtube volume and pc volume to max and have dificultiys hearing you proportly.

    (I'm not English)

  4. Helpful setting, and at high speeds .8 felt great. Maybe I have just gotten used to how slippery CP's cars feel, but I felt low-speed steering suffered immensely at .8. You simply can't turn the car around nearly as well. Will try fiddling with it. In my mind, the ideal solution would be a variable value based on your speed: When you're going fast, value is at .8 or .85 to give you more control at high speeds and when you're going slow, the value is 1.0 or even 1.1 so you can crank the wheel to make sharp turns around corners or make U-turns.

    Obviously this is armchair programming, but I have half a mind to tinker with it later. Is there an easy way to reference vehicle speed in that xml file?


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