Cyberpunk 2077 another disappointing release in 2020 and CDPR lied to the community

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Here is a clip of footage after the 1.04 update

Here is a clip of footage before the update

All captured on PS5

Optional playlist to go with it 😂


16 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 another disappointing release in 2020 and CDPR lied to the community”

  1. 5 hours in and im bored out of my mind. It's violently mediocre. What the fuck have they been doing for 8 years ? Im not even joking, Deus Ex has better shooting than this. If anyone wants to get it, dont. It's not worth it. You just shoot, no matter what implants or perks you choose, it's the same fucking thing over and over again, and then they talk………………So-fucking-much. Fuck this. Refunded on GOG. Suck my dick devs.

  2. -Can't buy food at any of the stalls.
    -Most buildings you can't enter.
    -Can't sit anywhere if my ass is tired.
    -No miscellaneous activities (darts, golf, tennis, poker).
    -Zombie population without purpose.
    -Can't jump out of a moving vehicle (like GTA 5).
    -No kicking, only fighting with fists.
    "Cyberpunk 2077 will feature over 1,000 unique NPCs that have their own unique daily routines according to developer CD Projekt Red." What a load of crap.

  3. I loved Witcher 3 it had the perfect amount of dialogue and enough combat and a very good story with interesting side quests to keep me happy. But this game holy shit…..too much dialogue and so little gun play, the story is alright but it’s all over the place something literally make no sense.

  4. Hey not sure if you've looked into can farming for money but I found this pretty efficient method. Do this to stock up, then go to your backpack to dismantle what you bought for common and uncommon crafting components. Then go to the sell station right next to the vendor in the video and sell your components. (the sell station only has $20,000 to give so skip ahead 24 hours to refresh the sell station.) Made over 150,000 after 30 minutes of this.

  5. The story is all over the place. I had to rescue some kind of girl robot but I don't know why. Sometimes I get a call from somone and I don't even who he or she is. The dialog is very very very long. I deleted the game already. Witcher 3 was so much better and more immersive. This can is overhyped like crazy.

  6. Now I know the game will be bad for me even if done right, because it turned out I don't give a shit about cyberpunk, I don't like its stylistic, I hate these kind of narrows spaces. I must say I dislike pretty much everything with the game: as I said I dislike cyberpunk aesthetics. I don't like graphics design, it looks cheap to me – Cyberpunk may be more advanced than old GTA 5, but I will take GTA 5 picture every time (and I don't like GTA 5 at that). I don't like driving, it is not challenging, thus not satisfying. The thing I like the most with FPS are headshots. No headshots here.

    And, finally, the story. Just no sense of immersion for me. I am playing for a brick of flesh with gadgets I couldn't care less about. There's a useless game partner, "Jackie" I can't care less too. There's a story I can't get a line in. Just a set of boring quests.


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