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Let’s talk about how Jesus doomed this sidequest. Haahhhh, that’s not inflammatory at all, right?
If you want the Yakuza 0 video, here it is:
Cyberpunk (20×× brand) isn't about saving the world (others) but about saving yourself, no wonder you can't touch it.
I would love to see your story analysis on the last of us 2 or red dead redemption 2.
First off, u don’t have to play this side quest if u don’t want to, they give u multiple opportunities to leave actually.. and Johnny isn’t praising the guy because he believes in Jesus, he’s praising him because he believes in something so much that he’s willing to die painfully for his beliefs, which is either admirable or absolutely insane depending on how u perceive it.. either way, I think ur oversimplifying what’s being said in this quest and I think it’s pretty clear that cdpr doesn’t fall on either side they allow the player to choose what side v falls on.. I mean i dont know what’s so difficult to understand about that, and it is totally parallel to v’s story, and the decisions u make in this quest will probably coincide with the decisions you’ll make at the end of the game
All the T-posing npcs were christianity references all along
Apparently Keanu Reeves isn't religious but has some vague agnostic spiritual sentiments and an interest in buddhism without practicing it. In Australia we usually describe that as being "half assed agnostic" (it's somewhat the national religion here).
But without knowing anything specific about the staff of CD project, just statistically speaking it is a Polish company so most of its staff are likely to be a fairly extreme variety of Catholic.
The more I watch your series on this cursed game the more I question if the people making this game knew anything about cyberpunk as genre.
I felt like a victim when I played V. This is not a feeling you want to inflict on your fans, if you want to them to stick around.
I know Cyberpunk is suppose to be dark and gritty place where no one ever wins. But playing the the character V amounts to you watching powerlessly as all kind of horrific shit happen and eventually you will die in the game (even in the best ending)
At no point did feel I heroic or devious or anything other than a victim of this world and I dont like this feeling. Why dont I have an option to save jackie or T-bug or any character who dies.
I could die as Geralt, but atleast I would know what I was playing. V I dont feel like anything.
Hell, I felt more in Farcry 3 about the character compared to this game. The consequences feel cheap and fake in cyberpunk.
Based on your description this sounds to me more like someone attempting to add Christian themes to a side quest without actually having any understanding of what those themes are. Almost as if they had to use a two-page brochure as reference material.