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Cyberpunk 2077 – AMD Ryzen 7 4700U – Radeon Vega 7 – Test Gameplay
Cyberpunk 2077 – AMD Ryzen 7 4700U – Radeon Vega 7 – Open World Benchmark Gameplay:
Recorded in / Grabado en: Laptop Acer Aspire A515-44:
– CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700U
– RAM: 8 GB DDR4 2666Mhz Dual Channel
– GPU: AMD Radeon Vega 7 Integrated Graphics
– SSD: 256GB m.2 MVNE
FPS (1280×720):
Grabando con Action!/Recording with Action!: 17-24 FPS
Sin Action!/Without Action!: 21-27 FPS
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Que manera de estrenar la nueva Notebook!
What the fps?
Damn… seems like the 4700u is just enough to play. I don't think my 3700u will handle it :c
Muy interesante resultado :o, es la último patch verdad?
How much heat does cpu generate?
Extra 8gb of ram would boost the performance, cuz it seems like you have 6gb of ram left after the gpu takes 2gb for its usage
Can you show how it handles in open world?
Wow you have a new laptop
I have the same cpu but shit ram. Its much worser than yours.
Hey man, thank you for upload. Would appreciate if you would share some open world scenes. I wonder if playing on 4700u is better option than on fat xbox one 😉 do you enjoy playing on 4700u?
Se puede también jugar con ryzen 7 3700u vega 10? Y si se puede, cuanto fps alcanza?
I have the same Ryzen 4700u with 16Gb RAM (Lenovo Ideapad), and I get around 25 FPS. However, after a few minutes, I experience huge FPS drops to 4-5 FPS, rendering the game unplayable. Was wondering if you experienced the same thing as well. Would this be caused by thermal throttling? Or insufficient VRAM?
Mi ryzen 7 3700u lo corre en 720 p, con 16 gb ram, actualize la BIOS, subi frecuencias de la apu, creo que no se puede llamar overclock, pero un amigo que sabe del tema subió frecuencias de la apu y el juego me corre en esa calidad 720 p todo en bajo en un promedio de entre 33-42 fps, claramente en ocasiones hay bajones de hasta 24 fps
Consider retesting the game with the latest patch and drivers.
its crazy that an igpu can run Cyberpunk, while PS4 struggles to run it
Please test again with the latest patch. I want to see the difference
I have the same laptop , but my game is just not playable. Idk what to do. Suggest any settings?? Too much lag.🙃