CYBERPUNK 2077 Alt + Blackwall Theme | Ambient Soundtrack

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Welcome to Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City! Come out beyond the Blackwall to contact Alt Cunningham in cyberspace. This video features 1 hour of the Alt / Blackwall theme, cut together with a few other ambient pieces that play during the main quest Transmission surrounding Alt’s story and her fate.

Use this ambient soundtrack video as some music to aid your focus while you study, inspiration to help you immerse in a scene for writing or art, some background audio to help you sleep – or just sit back, watch, and relax.

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If you have any requests for specific areas in this game, any pieces of soundtrack, or any other ambience video ideas, leave a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do!


This video features:
Cyberpunk 2077 OST
Alt | Blackwall Theme

Thank you.


20 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Alt + Blackwall Theme | Ambient Soundtrack”

  1. Have they released the various Radio Station tracks for this game. I'd love to have each station on individual CD's to play in my car on my way to work and back – just need that NC vibe 24/7. Does this mean I have a problem? Damn! I'm an addict!

  2. Lol top comments are how Alt's fate is bad or her becoming terrifying. As if the reality of the city is not terrifying and shitty enough to want to try venture into the unknown becoming something else and possessing powers akin to Alt's, exploring the endless world of cyberspace which borders on magical.

  3. If you examine everything in the game (side quest and reading messages) could say everything evolves around Alt and the "unknown" rogue AI. Johnny and V to just means to get things done.

  4. I don't get why some of you think this song sounds scary, foreboding, alien or intimidating. It sounds beautiful? It sounds like curiosity being turned into discovery. It sounds like talking to a being out of legend. It's awe-inspiring; you're talking to an AI! Alt cunningham DIED, like you, like johnny, and the three of you are having a conversation! It's incredible! This whole scene was so cool! And she teams up with you after this, and doesn't like, double cross you or anything either? She's just super powerful and super cool, you know, like a free AI? I listen to this track to relax sometimes; ALT's probably my favorite character in this game.


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