Cyberpunk 2077 – All New Update From CD Projekt RED! QA Lead Fights Back VS The Press!

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Cyberpunk 2077 News Update – So we’ve got an official update from CD Projekt RED about the recent Patch 1.1 which has caused some issues. Also, CD Projekt’s QA Lead defends the company and its practices vs Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier’s recent investigation into underpaid and overworked staff.

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38 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – All New Update From CD Projekt RED! QA Lead Fights Back VS The Press!”

  1. People need to stop paying attention to what either CDPR or Jason Schreir are saying. Loads of people arguing about who to trust. Guess what, don't trust either! They all have ulterior motives and all twist the truth.

    What you should base your opinion on is your own experience with the product you spent money on. Personally from the experience I've had with the game, I believe development of this has been a complete fucking cake and arse party.

  2. CDPR is being sued so it will be interesting what pops in discovery, especially if there's text messages and data reporting bugs by testers that CDPR ignored. If that is indeed the case then CDPR is digging their own grave.

  3. The game needs a lot of improvements yes, but Jason is just a scumbag. He always presents his views in a way that pushes a specific viewpoint of his. It's difficult to call him out since he will just block you 😀

  4. the problem is that CDPR has zero credibility right now and if they were smart they would keep their mouths shut. CDPR has lied to us since 2013 and as recently as October 2020. Let's be real here for a minute and acknowledge that even if they manage to squash every bug we will still be left with a mediocre game and it will never be what they envisioned because honestly what they envisioned is beyond their capabilities.

  5. These CDPR clowns are talking way too much during a time when their game is still glitchy. They need to take their L along with the lesson, go away and shut up until they fix their shallow game

  6. It's well known that Eastern European countries pay their employees less. This is known. This is why Polish people especially go to England. Their response is a joke. I don't believe anything this company has to say.

  7. I'm just gonna quit playing, This game is so dead on PS4, and I'm playing on PS4 Slim, Imagine what base PS4 players and Xbox players are going through, Imma just wait till the Next Gen version comes out

  8. I think Jason Schreier isn't a bad guy and makes some great points, yet he's still an American outsider to a polish dev company. That's the thing with journalism, is that they can only cover the information they have, but most of Schreier's testimonies came from 20 anonymous sources outta 500+ people involved with the project, and anonymous sources should always be taken with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of skepticism. Doesn't matter how much credibility you have. That's just how it is. Jason's piece shouldn't be disregarded, though. I think it highlights some issues that I can definitely see as being true, such as the hubris over Witcher 3's success.

  9. Can they finally focus on finishing the game and OPTIMIZING it for Intel CPUs and Nvidia GPUs? I feel like we are screaming in a forest without any echo coming back. This game literally has your components run on 50% usage including GPU and everyone acts like its normal.

    Yea let me just ignore the beast of a machine we all have as PCs and use 50% of its potential. What?

    I am starting to think they started Cyberpunk as "Console" Only, then scrapped it, started over for PC, scrapped it again and then mixed them all together but forgot to Unlock the frames and options x D

  10. In House bickering, Sounds alot like our Political system; Hope CDPR ship doesn't go down because of some people want to Finger point on others then themselves

  11. As someone who has genuinely enjoyed the game over the last couple of months. This last update ruined the game. The world is now empty and the textures look like crap. I was having very few problems other then frame rate drops on the x box one which I had already gotten used to. Now it had all the problems as before but the game is empty on top of it. They are making the game worse every thime they release one of these "fixes" and now for the first time since it was released. I no longer even want to play.

  12. I swear jason is just an attention seeker, who twists words in his article for clicks he has no right to be in this business he just a journalistic bully. CDPR are working like mad to put things right you can see that with how many patches theyve released in just over a month they deserve respect for their dedication not shamless attacks, and you know all these people who are talking shit and shaming cyberpunk will still get the next gen version and/or a definitive version in a couple of years

  13. Since cyberpunk 2077 was disastrous I’m seeing other companies avoid the same situation like Hogwarts legacy they delayed it till 2022 I just help other companies see the backlash against CD project red and takes their time on video games

  14. My corpo game is broken because of this bug. I reported it to CS and they gave me that workaround and it didn't work. I waited 14 times at 23 hours. and he didn't call. but any of my later saves he calls and breaks the game as you can't fast travel nor can you save if you continue and ignore it.

  15. Since I've bashed them enough I will say 2things since the update this game has no longer crashed my ps5. However the graphics went down terribly. Oh and I 4got It has new glitches like fighting invisible people or walking through people and things now

  16. I have no doubt JS exaggerated some things, I'm no fan of him, but, still can't ignore the shit CDPR have done. 2077 is definitely the biggest disappointment I've had in gaming and I'm a huge Mass Effect fan who's played Andromeda! Haha XD

  17. Good thing I don't trust big companies in the first place. And I had a small amount of "trust" in CDPR on this game. Had fun for the time but stopped from completing the end of the game. And I think they should reap all they sowed, whether good or bad. I don't understand the ones defending CDPR nor the game being "great". They lied big time and released a game that feels it came out of Alphs into Beta release. This is normal on Steam with the "Early Release" scam. Greed is truly a destroyer.


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