Cyberpunk 2077: A Modern Masterpiece (Review)

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In this video, I will be going over a game I’ve recently fallen in love with, Cyberpunk 2077. I’ll go over my experience with the game, what I still plan on doing in it, and whether or not I’d recommend this game to others.

Intro – 0:00
Early Game Experience – 1:03
Replay-ability – 3:25
Story & Character Quality – 4:00
Romance System – 5:35
The World – 6:16
Mission Diversity – 6:40
My Experience So Far – 8:24
DLC – 8:54
Future Plans – 9:06
Final Thoughts – 9:32
Outro – 10:43

Music By Aim To Head:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the clips in this video, and they are from other playthroughs.

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13 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: A Modern Masterpiece (Review)”

  1. This is probably in the top 5 best games I've ever played, and highly recommend it to anyone out there!
    Have you played it already? Or plan on playing it? Let me know about your experiences with it!

  2. I bought this for something ridiculous like 14 bucks on CD keys a few years ago when it wasn't in a great state.
    Its been sitting in my steam/gog library since then.
    Definitely going to install it and give it a go.

  3. I've played it at launch, again after 1.6 and again after 2.1 and I gotta say they kinda made it worse.

    I like the things they've added but the changes to cyberware feels awful. The shards are inconsistent and the cyberware itself feels lackluster offering mostly stat bonuses.

    It feels like it is still confused how to do a rpg and fps put together.

  4. The game only ran badly on previous gen consoles, and this upset people who insisted on calling a 7 year old console "current gen". TBH – CDPR painted themselves into a corner when they promised to release Cyberpunk 2077 on XB1 and PS4 – those versions should have been scrapped (and it would have upset a lot of people regardless). Honestly – it was pretty crazy how quickly people turned on CDPR and all that goodwill just evaporated. But CDPR being themselves put in the work to do right by the customers. And it did change the landscape for publishers who understood it might be better to delay a game than risk a launch like CP2077.

  5. Good video. I always like to listen to people who decide to give this amazing game a go, after all Cyberpunk has been through. And let me tell you, you will not regret Phantom Liberty. The moment the title pops on the screen in the first PL mission gives me chills of exitement no matter how many times I've played this game. Honestly, I get why people were upset on the release, I myself had weak laptop back then and had to play on the lowest of low settings, but if there is one thing that CDPR always delivers – it's the plot, the characters, the atmosphere around the whole story. That was the reason I turned blind eye on the bugs and fell in love with it, currently on my 10th or 11th playthrough if I'm counting correctly. And this comes from a person that grew up on TES, Witcher and fantasy books and considered herself as someone who will never play a game set in dystopian, cyberpunk universe. Oh boy, was I wrong.


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