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Cyberpunk 2077 has a wide array of tech that you can utilize to vanquish your foes and make a name for yourself in Night City. In this video, we’re going to explore the 8 best cyberware mods you need to install on your character in Cyberpunk 2077 – specifically as of the 2.1 update and Phantom Liberty expansion.
I’ll be focusing on a variety of different cyberware pieces that cater to different playstyles. So let’s buckle up, grab some iced coffee and dive into the list.
0:00 Introduction
0:28 Reinforced Tendons
0:57 Ex-Disk
1:17 Best Operating System – Cyberdeck, Sandevistan or Berserk?
4:48 Mantis Blades
5:27 Titanium Bones
5:47 Biomonitor / Second Heart
6:37 Optical Camo
7:03 Chitin
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Double Jump is almost a requirement for the expansion
Second Heart, as soon as you're able to obtain it.
IMO Mantis blades are the weakest of all the arm modifications. Doesn't mean they aren't fun or useful, but based on the raw numbers and utility they are definitely the weakest. Gorilla Arms are probably the best followed by Monowire. I never use Titanium bones, since it's just too easy to dismantle things I don't need. The moment I get encumbered (which is rare to begin wtih) i just open inventory and dismantle all my junk. A really big one u missed is Axolotl. It reduces the cooldown on all your cyberware everytime u kill someone… it synergizes perfectly with Sandevistans, Berserks, Optic Camo, and so much more.
double jump, boosts to speed perks, dash and you can basically fly to place to place almost faster than car or motorcycle. kinda feels like cheating 😀
I feel as though since there were/are mods for wall climbing that they should've made it a feature of the mantis blades. As it stands now, the extra mobility granted by the blades are redundant with all the dashes and move speed buffs, and it's damage is subpar by comparison. Imagine a stealth build where you can cling to unorthodox surfaces and do all the insane finishers, an entirely new avenue of play opened up by arm cyberware similar to how reinforced tendons open up an entire world of verticality.
monowire over mantis blades for me
Karenznakov is an absolute must no matter my build
Ngl I'm a hard fortified ankles stan. I'm trying double-jump for the first time and it's strange, but I think it'll be better with air dashing. Also…my man, chitin is pronounced like "Kai-tin". It took me ages to learn that too lmao
Double jump been a requirement since the game first dropped it got you EVERYWHERE
Ngl, the militech falcon sandevistan is better. More duration, less cooldown
Chitin is pronounced Ky-tin, just fyi.
If you're using Biomonitor, you should be using Blood Pump and Heal On Kill, too
just wondering has anyone had a problem when using kerenzikov, because for some reason when I installed it, it wouldn't work.
Khytin is not really that effecient… Armor Efficiency at Tier 5: APC(Armor points Per Capacity point)
-Optical Cammo [APC: 1.5] NOTE: APC is not really relevent to this type of Integumentary cyberware.
-Subdermal Armor [APC: 9.8], RangeGuard [APC: 8.9], Carapace [APC: 5.9], Chitin [APC: 5.1], Cellular Adapter [APC: 4.9], Countershell [APC: 4.8], Painducer [APC: 4.6], Nano-plating [APC: 3.9], Shock-n-Awe [APC: 3.7], ProxiShield [APC: 3.6], Defenzikov [APC: 3.2], Pain Editor [APC: 3.1], Peripheral Inverse [APC: 3.1]
The Rara avis it's in the skeleton category it gives you a huge armor bonus
Hey don't feel bad because literally everyone gets this wrong too, but chitin starts with a hard K sound and is pronounce KY-tin, rhymes with heighten.
good video an awesome game played it from the start always knew was gonna be huge
Chitin is pronounced "Kie-tin"
Thought we we're done with this game by now 😂
Mentions Chitin.
Doesn't even get right the biggest bonus on the cyberware (+200% health regen)
Still don't know why they made the double jump as a cyberware enhancement instead of part of body perk tree.
After 2.11, i found the Falcon sandy a lot more comfortable to use with an axolotl and quantum tuner build. You have like close to 14 seconds of up time on it and if you play it right, it literally never runs out!😊
axolotl is still the best cyberware in the game
spring joints and neofiber are insane in reducing damage via mitigation,
counter shell is extremely overpowered for netrunners because it will constantly trigger during overclock
shock and awe has a really high amount of armor while also providing you with bonus damage (if paired with the dezerter shotgun the burn on yourself will actually trigger the effect constantly)
carapace is very good against 5 star police runs because you'll get shot from all sides while dealing with maxtac
biomonitor is completely broken and paired with a specific perk in the tech tree youll get infinite healing as long as you kill enemies (you dont even need bloodpump tho its still good)
the hand cyberware that causes emp blasts after reloading is ridiculous with any weapon that has single or double shot mags, like some of the shotguns
and my favorite OS is either the apogee or the raven cyberdeck but i like that every Cyberdeck has its own ideal build
There is 4 OS systems Dan, and Chrome Compressor is good if running a heavy cyberware character to get even more cyberware capacity.
your fum ad sounds strauight out of Night City lol