Cyberpunk 2077 & 2020 – A Cross Examination

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Taking a look at CD Projekt Red’s 2020 video game “Cyberpunk 2077” in parallel with its source material, R Talsorian Games’ 1990 pen-and-paper rpg “Cyberpunk 2020”.
Looking through the lens of how they work as *role playing games*.

Cyberpunk 2077 – 00:00
Pen and Paper Cyberpunk – 11:11
Cyberpunk 2020 – 15:49
Our Experience with 2020 – 25:21
Conclusion – 38:49

JonJon TheWise:

Damage calculation table for CP 2020:

All the music used in this video are tracks I’ve played over our discord juke box for our party to fit the action during campaigns 🙂
Here is a link to that playlist

The sick mix of CP Violation and Anticitizen that plays at 38:19 was made by MJCaptures

Another thing I didn’t realize until JGray at R Talsorian pointed it out, is if you own Cyberpunk 2077, you own Cyberpunk 2020. Should be in your files /on steam /GOG. Nice 🙂


37 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 & 2020 – A Cross Examination”

  1. I love running tabletop games for good friends. When you know what they're like, their tastes in tone and spectacle, coming up with a series of events that they can mutually enjoy is very rewarding.

    I don't do well with the nuts and bolts of the stat crunch though. That shit always drives me up the wall.

  2. I still really liked the game. It had a lot of great aspects but yeah, it failed as an RPG. All I can hope for is some Hearts of Stone / Blood of Wine tier DLC for it, not that it will fix it.

  3. This was an amazing video! Great production values, writing and structure. I myself prefer 2020 over Red due to its realism and deadly combat. And while I appreciate Red for cutting away the fat and streamlining the game, 2020 with heavy homebrew is irreplaceable for me.

    Don't get me wrong, they're both amazing and great ways to immerse yourself in the Cyberpunk world. And I'm glad it got you into the great world of tabletop roleplaying!

    And your GM techniques are amazing, especially for someone who hadn't touched TTRPGs before. Definitely better than mine, I learned a couple things from this video!

  4. I've been seeing a lot of people get into tabletop RPGs last year, and it's so nice to see.
    Having your first GMing experience being something this ridiculously crunchy and, frankly, unfriendly to new GMs is brave, though.
    I'm currently in two groups, one playing the not-quite-as-but-still-very crunchy Shadowrun 5e, and one playing a PbtA game which are more about narrative outcomes than mechanical complexity. I enjoy both, for different reasons.

  5. I play and GM 2020, have since highschool. If you are looking for someone who can help you learn the 2020 netrunning rules, I run a netrunning focused game on Roll20 focused around the DataKrash of the 4CW.

    I would be willing to run a couple of one shots for your group to help anyone learn anything or clarify questions.

  6. Automatic fire is a lot easier to use with the OTHER roll 20 sheet. It can roll automatic fire damage and location upto 10 times by pressing a single button.

    Seeing you drop all those d10s was painful and reminded me of my time playing the game at an actual table with physical dice.

    I do like the Autofire on that sheet you're using. It looks like that sheet you're using does damage and shows the hit location written out instead of as a dice.

  7. 36:50

    That version of the Night City Map where Studio City and the east side don't match the 2020 Night City book makes my brain bleed. The Channel, New Harbor Mallplex, and Rangers Football Stadium are all missing. University district is comically large. Little Europe is suddenly west of WESTHILL. The Combat Zone has been pushed back quite a bit. The Gibson Freeway is gone.

    The Flower Shop didn't make it boys. RIP.

  8. I had very tempered expectations that V was going to be their own character and tried my hardest not to put my idea of who I wanted them to be into them and instead tried to play V true to themselves.

    The deseptice marketing claiming "Be anyone you want." Didn't help.

  9. A lot of big RPGs designed for the masses are designed in such a way that it almost feels like integrated FOMO (fear of missing out). You can only play within a very select subset of rules and mechanics that, regardless of your decisions, ultimately lead you to the same goal, and often means your decision to pick anything is meaningless.

    Whether or not you're a hacker, a suave silvertongue or a cybernetic gunslinger is wholly irrelevant in 2077, because at anytime, you will be all of these things to varying degrees, because otherwise the player might not see or do something and by golly, that's just not cool.

    It diminishes replay value. The word RPG now-a-days means less about role-playing and more about numbers on items.

  10. I remember picking up CP2020 shortly after release. There were 6 people in our group and 2 of us would switch off GM-ing. Over the course of our 2 year long campaign, we started as know nothing nobodies and, over the course of maybe 8 to 10 years game time, became the bane of Orbital Soviet. We closed out that campaign with a weekend marathon game where we stole an Orbital Soviet space station and sold it back to them. That was that groups last hurrah.

    As for CP2077, I was seriously let down by the RP aspects of the game where the life path you choose doesn't really matter. Sure, some minor changes to dialogs here and there, but not enough to make your choice meaningful.

  11. Great video. It does a great job at encapsulating the feeling of starting off on tabletop rpgs and learning a new system. Glad to see that you all are having a good time and hope you all enjoy your time on the streets.

  12. As always, impressive. Enjoy the 7 hours of watch time you got from me today LOL keep it up my dude I love your approach and your introspective and worldly approach to everything


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