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Cyberware Stats Reroll explanation:
Yes I’ve been waiting 🤩
😀 I’m jus waiting till I’m able to unequip my cyberware(I have 3500 capacity, yes it took forever) because of a glitch or smtn I can unequip my cyberware, I also have infinite perk points. I WANT TO DESTROY THIS GAME
Is this a legit build or hacked ? I only play legit lol hacked is too easy you download blackwall mod and you one shot everyone makes no sense, legit builds have at least the advantage of making your understand the game deeper.
Great build! If I can ever get myself to try something other than netrunner, I’ll give it a go! (Netrunner is just too fun!)
this is literally my current build but mainly im using the apogee sandevistan and sometimes i' switch to biodyne berserk, it's true that the falcon gives you longer duration which is more helpful for you as a console player but as a pc player it doesnt bother me at all since we have much better control and maneuverability with mouse and keyboard and it's really much easier with pc and of course axilotol to get insane amount of kills in a small amount of time and keep up that apogee almost active all the time even without the quantum tuner which i'm not really a fan of it since it's really costy on cyberware and only useful once during combat, it's just not as effective as the axilotol. and with that 45 capacity you can equip more other effective cyberware. also i'm using adrenaline booster for that sweet +25% stamina on top of that +22% from the apogee, 25% melee attack speed, insane +90% melee damage and the right reflex perks this was really a game changer for me especially against maxtac
Ooooh yessss perfect! I got hyped just reading the title. 😂. But for real, what would you say is the optimal leveling order with this build? (Like which attributes I ought to go into first)
Willson does not sell after you complete his side mission
I added all the needed cyberware and i have 39 cybercapacity left. I dont have enought cyberware capacity to add everything, but i found 3 combinations where i can add enought to achieve my max. Which are (bionic joints, parrabellem, carapiece), (mechetronic core, Bionic joints, Parrabelem, reinforced tendon), or (Bionic joints, carrapiece, Karenzevov, reinforced tendens). Which one would you chose
A fine addition to my collection.
Of cyberpunk build videos.
how do you get 100% crit chance and DMG? the most i could get is 62% chance and 95% dmg
You should add the Solo Arasaka Tower video with every ultra build you make, it's on par with maxtac fights due to limited health and it's also a perfect 7-8min showoff
Yoo I been watching your videos and it help me a lot in AC Odyssey and I sub your channel man
Can you make a build for the Jhonny Malorian?
Running a very similar build to max crit damage/chance and headshot damage and pyromania but with the DB4 Igla + Firecracker (the Pozhar “hack” is just too easy) + Chrome Compressor and most iconic cyberwares and let me tell you, that was the easiest run I’ve had since 2.0 of the Reaper ending. Didn’t even need my Second Heart during the Smasher fight 😂
Love your in depth build videos, hard to find elsewhere
Hi t7 do you know how u made ur 2 billion dmg build on ac odyssey, could u pls try n make an f2p ez version to make it like you did with ur f2p warrior build?
You have cool builds! Do you have one that could work well with Cyberpsychosis and S*icide? I found those two quickhacks really cool
Hey T7, ive been putting this one together and I must be missing something. What is enabling you to have 56% crit chance with nothing active? I have 25% with nothing active while holding bayakko and with max tier stabber equipped.