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How to get a Caliburn for free in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0. This spawns whether you help Panam get her revenge or refuse to help her. IT MAY TAKE A FEW EXTRA DAYS TO SHOW UP IN NEW 2.0 SAVES / & I BELIEVE YOU NEED 30 STREET CRED MINIMUM. There maybe be additional unknown criteria. I show my entire completed quest log for reference, if you are having trouble and want to test extra criteria and find something verifiable, please let me know.
Step 1: Complete quest “Ghost Town”
Step 2: Wait a day or 2 (In-game-time)
Step 3: Go to the location shown in the video. And like with all my videos on this, I do show you the location.
Hope this video is fun and of some use! 🙂 Enjoy,
#cyberpunk2077 #handsometez #cyberpunk2077handsometez #freecaliburn
0:00 Showing it not there at the start.
1:20 (This is how the preorder bonus car comes to you).
3:00 Heading back to complete Ghost Town.
4:40 Heading back out to the cave/tunnel – still not there.
5:50 Going back outside to skip time.
6:55 Back into the tunnel – Caliburn has spawned.
7:05 Map location.
8:55 Completed Quest List for reference.
For me I did a couple of side gigs and quests and it's still not there. it's probably around 2 in game days. Do you have to specifically do it in the Panam quest line or no?
It didnt spawn for me after i did panam quest even tried to rest but nope. After i got another sports car i just gave up looking for it
The Bugatti I woke up in.
I get Caliburn on the way back from quest "I'll fly away"
I dont understand how people are still struggling to get the car, its still the same way as it was back when the game first game came out.. nothings changed
My only complaint is your driving, lol.
so sad you have to do that mate thank as always great work!
i got it right after ghost town and street cred 40
It's linked to the Panam story arc, you can get it after you save Saul, not before it won't be there.
This 100% still works. You must complete the ‘Ghost Town’ quest with Panam and wait at least a couple of days before it will spawn
With the game just coming out and all the hype, they are probably just trolls looking for attention.
You're a nice guy. You made another video instead of telling the haters to just GIT GOOD
you have to have street cred 40 or higher must help panam most wait 24 hours outside of the tunnel
Thanks Tez. 🙂
Whoa, Tez. I'm fine. You?
I don't know if it was a good idea to do this video, we can now see how bad driver you are 😁
👍Has always worked for me.
Baffling that people are complaining / questioning the info. You made one of the clearest examples of how to do it I've ever seen.
Love your enthusiasm, but there is a criteria, I just dunno what it is
the only requirement is to finish the quest where you help Panam retrieve her wheels
Nice. 👍thanks for showing this pretty cool
Only difference I've noticed is that on my new 2.0 playthrough the location wasn't automatically marked on my map when I met the requirements.
I eventually just drove out there like you do in the video and it was there waiting for me.
thats always been the place for that free car. nothing new.
I'm level 50 and 50 street cred, my Iguana has hatched (so about 3 months into the game), I've done practically every quest and unfortunately Caliburn still hasn't appeared. There is a container where it should be, but nothing else. I also took the MurkMan shard and nothing happened.
worked, thanks
what if you completed all the quest for pam the car still show ?
am i the onley one , who bought wingate ( the sreskin version of the hoon) and did not get the car
Well.. I’m at the Mission Riders on the Storm now and it still not show up… 😒
Don’t know the street cred requirement now as they changed it still made it to 40 waited 5 ingame days straight it never spawned and it was morning when I was skipping changed it to night by skipping then I went in at night and it spawned so from what I see it’s 35 street cred requirement,finish ghost wheels and go in at night hope this helps
Why does no one say that you are required to reach street cred 40 before the car becomes available? That little bit of vital information is left out from most sources and it's a real head scratcher
Worked for me too. You need to have helped Panam with Nash though.
Thanks dude!
For me it's impossible to get it… maybe i didn't realise we can take the car and now it doesn't appear anymore… that's the only reason I can think of why it's never there…
I don't understand what the problem is. I've played twice, gotten the car twice
for some reason i do finished the ghost town quest, have lvl 26, lvl 30 street and waited for 5 days, and no car there T_T hope is not a bug hahaha, but well will come back later, because i see many other gigs and quest from you already finished than me
Currently on my 4th (more like 4.5) playthrough, and I've never EVER discovered this before today. Thank you, now I no longer need to spend 200k eddies to guarantee a win in Claire's races.