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Link to the build:
Dont forget to check the Smasher kill.
Thanks for the upload! Feel better soon!
Thank you for showcasing this run! Netrunning/this build is beyond broken, I would not even enjoy using it myself. Even though I do like min-maxed builds. Nice demonstration of how op it is.
I didn’t truly understand how op it was until you one shot smasher. I went “oh” in my head. 😂
Adam Smasher downgraded to an oversized minion 🙂
Wonder how good it would perform after they will patch cox2 cyberware
I'm playing a pure netrunner with only mono wire as a secondary on Very Hard. I love it but so far I only get stuck on single boss fights when I run out of ram and mono isn't strong enough to bide time waiting for the ram to refresh
Really OP build dude, congraaats just amazing!!!
Wait, you’re not feeling well? I hope you get better soon! We appreciate you
The game is fun to play and the builds are nice Buh there’s nothing to do after the story so that’s an issue the game is boring am not gonna kill cops all day just to enjoy my build!
You need to pull the synapses higher (and other combat viruses). Scrolling down every time is time-consuming.
Nice. Do your Katana build next.
Love it! Only thing I would change would be to slot your synapse burnout at the top so you don’t have to scroll so much.
😆😆😆adm smashr
Net samurai plzz?
I wish the Blackwall quickhack was not as slow as it is. It s not worse using sadly :(. It one shot enemies but the upload time is slow and most of the time you are prevented to load it to other enemies. I hope it get improved…
health bar is a rollercoaster
Smasher: “Interesting!”
It has the same vibes as Ultron-Vision slicing Thanos in half on that What-If episode. Lmao