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Cyberpunk 2077 is a game of many highs and lows, but though it’s not what millions wanted it to be, it has enough highs that make it worth a playthrough in spite of all of its issues (at least on hardware that can properly run it).
There’s quite a few side quests and main quests in the game where CD Projekt RED’s storytelling talents shine through, and here, we’re going to talk about a few such quests.
List them out?
Funny fact: you can't miss any of these quests. What's the point of the video then?
Let's just forget this major flop and move on
Was such a bland boring game even without the bugs
Let's just forget cyberfail completely we don't need flops like this shit
My personal 10 favorites (excluding act 3 missions)
Pyramid Song
Lightning Breaks/Life During Wartime (AV/Hellman)
The Hunt
Play It Safe
Riders on the Storm
Disasterpiece (Rescue of Evelyn)
Automatic Love (1st trip to Clouds)
Dream On (reminded me of The Machurian Candidate)
Big in Japan ("Dennis give me hope.")
Chippin' In (Johnny in control part)
(if I was to pick one from act 3 it would definitely be Belly of the Beast)
I would like to play these quests but unfortunately i can't. Because this shitty piece of crap of a game doesn't run on a ps4pro. Thank u cd project red for wasting 70 euro on a ps2 game
Ah, Delamain. If only that questline worked for me.
I could tell these would feel better on NOT A PS4.
I just got my refund, couldn’t be happier
Swords in first person never looks good 🙁
When i played big in japan I asked myself if they were Trolling 😂😂
Word for word same story as Daryls japanese from the office
Can't get enough of the game love it
I need MORE of what’s in the game already in terms of quest storylines. I was never bored with any of them. The Perelez one in particular was masterful!
Guys! For Skippy, if you set it to friendly mode or whatever then get 50 kills with it- it will switch and permalock onto stone cold killer mode
#1: Don't Fear The Reaper
Which missions should I finish before completing the story?
you forgot the quest that ends in crucifying a convicted felon for a braindance its pretty disturbing AND it touches on some pretty pertinant questions for V is there a god? or how bout the meditation quests when your allowed to ask the monk one question and having him describe your life in such a way to understand you have to integrate both souls to live. Its some very interesting stuff and deep stuff too
The greatest quest is me not playing it and instead waiting for them to fix it completely so it works the way it was originally intended. People that defend the game in the current state it is in just baffle me.
For me it's "the hunt".
You play with River as you track down a psycho rancher child abductor. You get to see the whole conversation between randy and Anthony and how Anthomy lured Randy. Alsl the cartoon was deeply disturbing. You then see through the eyes of Anthony and his childhood where he was abused by his dad etc. Overall very disturbing but REALLY good writing
Dream On could be an entirely epic mystery/thriller film.
Well there are definitely more than 15 greatest quests you need to play! Sinnerman, Killing in the name, Сlaire and Eurodine lines and many more.
The hunt was one of the few quests that made think "ok, this is fucked up, its dark, but I want to see how it ends."
Game was too short and had too few side missions.
Did all of this on my first playthrough which took 4 days
I was so pissed I didn't have my rank up enough to say no.
They don't tell you there's no funeral if you choose you don't want his family to see him like that after he dies
6:16 make sure you answer the right things if you want the secret johnny and v alone for the last mission.
Great job!! I have to throw in The Raymond Chandler Evening quest, for no other reason that it was so well acted by Johnny. {K.R} and co-acted by the exasperated female V {Cherami Leigh}.. Completely hilarious.
Great game
The one where you get the free motorbike at the end is a good one , also the one where you find Vs old car in the junkyard also were underated quests
"what people wanted it to be".. well i for one wanted it to be the game, that had 8 years of development behind its belt
This game loves it's song-titled missions, doesn't it?
i couldnt finish the delamain questline, when i got to the ambush under the bridge i couldnt kill them so i run away and kept doing other missions, the quest just disappeared from my jornal. later i passed that point and i killed them but the delamain car was still there doing nothing .