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When diving into Cyberpunk 2077 you’ll likely have a lot of questions about what you should do first. This video will take you through some of the key areas you should focus on early on and address some of those early questions encountered.
1 thing to know: how to pronounce “attribute.”
Save often because a staircase killed me XD
can i buy the ps4 CD version and put it in the ps5?
Seems like it needs multiplayer
Tip 1, dont buy it for PS4 or last gen xbox either.
I haven’t slept..
Tip get a p5 or new Xbox or pc
Does this guy know he’s saying attribute wrong? The one he’s saying is the verb. But what he’s talking about is the noun.
12. Don't go over to GameSpot for Cyberpunk 2077 content. Instead, keep it here at IGN.
12. Its a buggy and unfinished game
Does anyone know if this game will be optimized better?
And the Number 1 thing…..It doesn't work for most people.
Why is everyone lost ? It’s simple and I love it. To many haters, I wanna see u guys make a game everyone loves
Top 1: don't buy it yet
I'm honestly not going to buy this game
I got a ps4 it looks terrible on it
I'll buy it when the Bugs and Glitches are fixed and it runs seamlessly on PS5 same is said with buying the PS5.
I'm just gonna mod the game to unlock everything anyway.
1st thing you should know: game is a broken mess. Dont buy it and WAIT.
People are about to load into the Matrix and never leave.
What is an R Tribute please?🤷♂️
What is an “uh-tribute”?
1:39 LOL, I love how that guy, floats into the car.
1.) dont but they game unless you have a high end pc
That is not how you say attributes
The key on PC for sheathing your weapon is double-tapping left-alt
I'm playing the game. I have no idea what I'm doing but it's so much fun.
11 things you need to know. Number 1 it wasn't worth waiting 8 years for
You Double tap ALT to put your weapon up.. C is for crouching.
My only complaint with this game is that it's all in 1st person. (Except for driving.) I absolutely hate 1st person! They should at least allow for 3rd person in non combat related movement around town (on foot) because what's the point in having all this creativity to create a character if only you barely see them in random mirrors here and there? That was a pretty dumb idea by CD projekt red…… Other than that the game is wonderful!
The way this dude says attribute is pretty dumb
Ign should rethink hiring their editors who goes cancelcrusading on twitter.
Does he seriously not know how to pronounce attributes?!
Put 10 stats on cool
Clean and with minimum spoiler
If you have a potato PC or ps4 or xb1 , dont expect it to run like a charm. Lmao
Gameranx is superior
Glitches ??????????????? Bugs ????????????
Tip 1: buy a series x or ps5
Body: Force open doors
Technical Ability: Hack open doors
Reflexes: Squeeze threw a door right before it closes
Intelligence: Find a way around the door
Cool: Talk someone into opening the door for you
Tip 12: Don’t play on the console hardware it was released for.
Avoid Kallie Plagge like the plague.
Thank you so much for the conceal hotkey! That was starting to piss me off
the fact that there's a point of no return is kinda spoilery
double tab c
11 things you really didn't have to make a video about cause the game will definitely tell you about them
Tip 1. Don't buy on base Xbox of PS
IGN: “And that’s 11 things you need to know”
Me : “Your forgetting #12.. Don’t play on Xbox one”
If i complete the main story will all the side missions just disappear after? And will all my progression go back to zero? In other words, is the end of the main story the end of the game and if i want to go back into the world and completely level up my character with everything do I have to start a new game and start off from scratch doing the whole story again?