Cyberpunk 1.3 crafting & money cheat $15,000,000 / hour

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This Cyberpunk 2077 money glitch is way better than the Sasquatch trick. Not only that, you can hit crafting level 20 in 30 minutes!

These exploits will help you with this money / crafting cheat
1.3 leveling cheat:
outdated perk guide:

This Cyberpunk 2077 crafting cheat for patch 1.3 is great. Leave it to Cyberpunk again to mess up item values.

Using this Cyberpunk 2077 crafting glitch will get you to level 20 crafting super fast. It’s one of the best Cyberpunk 2077 exploits. You’ll find yourself going fast with this Cyberpunk 1.3 glitch. It’s a great way to level up Cyberpunk 2077 crafting.

You’ll be able to make 15 million eurodollars per hour with this Cyberpunk 1.3 money glitch. It’s the fastest way to make money in Cyberpunk 2077 1.3.

After watching, you’ll know the best way to make money in Cyberpunk 2077.


39 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 1.3 crafting & money cheat $15,000,000 / hour”

  1. I’m sorry but I don’t really understand the point of calling this video a cheat, you’re just making use of the crafting perks, I can’t see any cheat here. Good guide but definitely not a cheat guide.

  2. Well thank God that I played it when the painting was a thing street kid and nomad have more than enough money carftig stuff grantees etc for 4 life times xD the only poor V is my corpo one bit ironic tbh but I didn't play all the way through with her yet she's below lv 10 xD

  3. I had to grind my 1.6 Million Eddies for all the cars, that took an insane amount of time. I started at like 200k. I really Wish i had found this video like months ago. 😛 Glad I have it now.

  4. If your gonna use game exploits like this, you're already cheating by utilizing them, so why not just save yourself hours of endlessly losing brain cells while doing this and just download a trainer?
    Then you can add all the money you want with the click of a button instead of hours of extreme hand cramping from all the clicking.
    If you're going to cheat, then cheat smart. If you don't want to cheat then quit using exploits which do nothing but waste your time. Might as well be using console commands or a cheat engine if your going to grind an exploit for hours.

    Before it's said, yes exploiting is cheating. It is using a glitch in the game to accomplish something that the game was not originally designed to do.

  5. I commend you on the time spent to figure out how to make millions, really I do. However, to play the game with 20 points invested in crafting would be utterly absurd to me. With zero way to redistribute the scarce choose wisely Attribute points, I'd be cemented to one playstyle which is not exactly the most creative or fun IMO.

  6. Your money "glitch" is just… ordinary super-high-level craft spamming? That's not a glitch. That's just a farming strat. I wish people would stop calling farming strats "glitches" with this game. And it's barely useful, either. By that point in the game who the hell needs eddies any more? You only really need more of them when you're low level.

    Additionally: you saying it's "easier" after the heist mission makes no sense at all. After patch 1.3, vendors outside Watson don't even load into the map until lockdown is ended – I know because I found one of the few lockdown breaking exploits that still works, but once I got out there there was nothing to do. So it's literally impossible to begin your farming strat until after you've done that mission.

    In case anyone was interested, here's the lockdown break that still works: Streetkid background starts you with Coyote travel point as before, but now it gets rid of it before you can fast travel there. Except, if during the Streetkid intro mission you set it as a destination on your map, and keep it as your destination, then it doesn't get rid of it.

  7. I’ve been doing this for months there’s nothing cheating about it, it’s a grind, and gets annoying to do, don’t bother doing the version where you reset your perks, you can’t sell anything over 20k anyway, plus that vest is a bad return on what your paying, on top of that legendary items are annoying to sell because you have to confirm each sale which is annoying asf, IMO. The ashura is still better than that vest it only cost 18 rare, 16 epic, and 2 legendary, with no perk resetting it will net you 3500 eddies per every one crafted. That dealer is great to buy and sell, but there are a few other dealers you can buy and sell and skip time without having to leave room. One is gun shop next to apartment, other is the gun shop in north Japan town, I think, the dude who says: “ new buyer, welcome, welcome!” Also the guy with the occuset in the back of the store in the south badlands , also has this capability. Also buy the craft item for free chance perk, it will give you close to 8 free items per 100 crafted, buy all perks that have to do with taking down the price of components. Just some added advice, I’ve been using this way to farm money on both my characters I have over 600 hours in this game, IMO the easiest quality of life thing to craft and sell is the epic blazer Zane sells, it’s epic which doesn’t require a confirmation that you want to sell it back. I’m on Xbox series x so with a controller not having to re confirm is a damn blessing because it gets annoying real quick, and on top of that having to skip 24 hours after every singular sale is just about the most annoying thing ever,IMO.

  8. This is a fun watch but I would say 95% of the players between level 30 and 50 aren't looking for a money cheat. They have all they need. Boy do I miss the painting dupe glitch. Now that was useful early game.


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