COTTONMOUTH Best Blunt Melee Weapon in Cyberpunk 2077?

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Showing gameplay of the “Cottonmouth” blunt weapon in Cyberpunk 2077, testing to see how good it is and whether it’s the best blunt weapon in Cyberpunk or whether it’s among the top melee weapons in the game in general.

The weapon features electrical, chemical damage, crit chance and crit damage, stamina cost reduction, poison and/or shock chance depends on the roll you get. God-Roll you’ll have them all.



5 thoughts on “COTTONMOUTH Best Blunt Melee Weapon in Cyberpunk 2077?”

  1. You don't need to wait until any certain point in the story to get cottonmouth, as soon as the prologue is over you can find fingers and go to the back of his store and just grab it off of his bed. I've done this twice in both play throughs now. He'll even make a remark about meeting you before, if you talk to him while you're there, later on when you do meet him in the story.


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