Cat vibing to The Rebel Path (cello version) – Cyberpunk 2077

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Credits to:
Marcin Przybyłowicz
P.T Adamczyk
Paul Leonard-Morgan

…and the vibing cat


33 thoughts on “Cat vibing to The Rebel Path (cello version) – Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Great theme! I just received Cyberpunk 2077 as a gift from my younger brother(we are both in our 40's and remember Cyberpunk 2020 from senior high in the mid 90's,when one of my brother's friend invited him to play a session with a NJ other boy. I never played 2020, but my brother told me about the experience and how cool it was many years later. For me, I am learning by he lore of Cyberpunk mostly from YouTube videos and playing the games since I got it on Steam last weekend. It is so much fun, but very difficult even on easy mode. I am currently on man V street kid. It's such a blast!

  2. I played this as I killed Adam smasher on hard mode in 10 seconds because I put all my points into melee, health, damage stacking, and crit chance.

    Had the prosthetic instant heal, second heart, low health auto refill, mantis blades with flame damage, and a bunch of other things that I can’t remember because I had a rage induced psychotic breakdown finding out that V was gonna die.

    Literally nothing could or can stop me, other than myself…


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