Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that has lots of technology and Cyberware. I aim to beat the game as a Normal human, and show how difficult it can be. But is it possible…?
(thank you all so much for the support!)
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#cyberpunk2077 #challenge #gaming
Criminally undiscovered channel 🫶 LOVE the editing style seriously amazing
Can you finish the game without leveling up? Also resetting attributes at start.
I never use cyberware related guns, however the thought alone not using any cyberware at all scares the hell out of me…
Great video Lars!
I think we all know that you in fact did talk to Meredith again
It's human time!
*And then he humaned all over the place.*
Great idea and video!
Yes I have done a play through where the only cyberware the character had were eyes and the Tyger Claws tattoo.
I don't think real life is hard. Im convinced real life is played on really hard.
Punk 2077
proving the expansion endings wrong
unfortunately V actually has cyberware you cant see or remove, he has muscle enhancers and other stuff
They should add a proper "Morgan Blackhand" mode that limits your cyberware to 25% of normal capacity.
You probably could have found a mod that uses no cyberware
Lol I tried this once and gave up almost immediately lol
Hello gamer Moogle. Can i touch your fluffy nose?
Yes I did 😅
This was great! Thank you! 😂
Killer video dude. Love me a good Cyberpunk challenge run
Do Panthom Liberty as human, but chose patch that force you to fight Kurt Hansen, because he have grab that stab your hand and with no implants probably will one-shot you.
I call it the ‘Batman Run’
Yooooo?! We share the same name (That is if Lars is ur name lol)