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Its never ther for me
Anyone know why the container won’t spawn for me I’m way past the ghost town mission and tried everything and still won’t spawn. Any tips?
Does anyone know if this still works? I don’t seem to be finding it.
I'm starting to think it's removed. Not showing up for me.
It doesn't work nothing spawns
OMG I just found it and hopped right into youtube to see if you can find more cars like this to find out this is the best car hahaha what a discover
Has anyone had this issue. It only happens with this car all my other vehicles are fine I can blow them up and call them back as new but for some reason this awesome car won’t despawn or blow up or repair it’s just stuck broken no doors but drives fine any ideas
its not there
Wow thanks for the guide on the removed content
Btw for anybody trying to do this now, it seems they made it that you have to have 40+ street cred for the container to spawn.. fucking bastards
This isn’t working for me. I’ve finished the ghost town mission.
1.3 patch car removed
Anyone know if this Is this patched? I did the ghost town mission and its not there! What the hell. I went at 12am, waited 24 hours. Not tried the fast travel though but its pissing me off if they have patched it? Please let me know new players Dec. 21
I can't find it I see the place but no container
tried like 3 times did everything but it didn’t work
the first time i played this game, i found this car using this video…. but now in my second play through, it wont ever show up, i wonder if they broke it, or if its too late
Every update is one step forward, two steps back. With the latest 1.5 update, the car no longer spawns. The requirements have changed and no one was told.
Second, The Widow maker never dropped for me. I killed Nash, looted his corpse, but nothing.
Viewer beware.
I found this car randomly just driving around and finding a cave lol. Funny thing is, there's a note in the container basically saying the car belonged to batman. But they call him murk man and the note talks about his his parents died as a kid and became a shadow of the night. So ya this is batmans car lol I freaking love this gane
Didn’t work for me
Won’t spawn the container at all
Not there anymore after 1.5
Just started playing on after patch 1.5. (Series X)
The car is not there anymore as with many (game spoiling) fun features they've patched out or nerfed…
still working in 1.5? this thing refuses to spawn
Doesn’t spawn anymore as of march 2022
Help me out… Can’t get the car have spent multiple hours on it…
10/05/2022 still works. I followed the steps in video, hanging around for an hour or two (real time) teleported several times – no car. I finished next mission (Riders on the Storm) and I was nearby so decided to check the cave and boom – I got it. Thx Bro.
Car still spawning around 11:30pm. Took me some time after doing main quest!
Now you need to get cred level 40 to get this car spawn in the cave.
Can’t get the vehicle to spawn? Did I miss something?
This doesn’t work anymore
If only the dislike button still had a counter. Then I wouldn’t have wasted my time watching the video, attempting to replicate the steps multiple times, then only to go through the comments section to find out this hasn’t not worked in at least 6 months. Complete waste of time.
i completed the mission a long ago, can i still get the car?
can u only get this car early on in the game i have already finished the game and do not see the car
This guide is outdated. You now need to be street cred 40 for it to spawn.
guys does it counts to achivement > car ?
still not working!?!?!
This is night citys batmans car, Murk Man
Br9 where is the cave at
Doesnt work. Cap!
Is it weird that I miss the old version of Cyberpunk from this video? On PC it was really great. Curious if you can still get this car after 2.0/PL?
is this still a thing with the current update? can't seem to find anything
Not working for me. I wouldn't be surprised if it was removed in 2.0
Keep trying but to no avail. I'm playing on pc. I beat the ghost town mission. Teleport to the afterlife and back from the motel. Then went to the cave with my personal car, also walked there a seperate attempt. fastfowarded time 2 days. still nothing. just keep driving and walking through this damn cave and finding nothing. What am I doing wrong?
You literally didnt show where the cave is… nice job. A nice round of applause for you.
Can confirm this is still in 2.0. I drove past when searching, turned back and found the container.
They removed this from the game. Now we gotta buy it
How about you show where the actual tunnel is on the map? That would actually be helpful