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In this video we gonna talk about all the 4 endings of cyberpunk 2077.
#cyberpunk2077 #endings #rouge #judy #v #johnny #panam
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In this video we gonna talk about all the 4 endings of cyberpunk 2077.
#cyberpunk2077 #endings #rouge #judy #v #johnny #panam
Best to worst
1. Panam Ending ( V survives and you will learn that Hanako died)
2. Secret ending ( V became The Afterlife Legend)
3. Johnny will take V' body
4. Suicide ( Better than trust Arasaka)
5. Trust Arasaka ( dont know why i just hate it)
idk I dislike how after the ending u go to a checkpoint it makes it seem like it was all for nothing
I don’t think you played the game, not really. Your worst to best don’t align with who the character stands for and the relationship made with Johnny. Plus you didn’t save Goro
that first one made me cry. there was no way i was going to let the game end like that. had to reload
Seriously broken English really starts to grate at you after 20 secs
Now to wait for phantom liberty and see how it connects
If i die i want to die a hero
Second endin was my way, made me a bit sad, rouge died, johnny died in the cyberspace , and V left there, it just doesn’t feel right, man i miss Johnny… space casino, end credits, man…
Stupid music is too loud on parts of the video, that i can barely ear the details
Good video but why the fuck is the music volume louder than you talking
You left out the ending where you can just go to Arasaka by yourself and merc everyone by yourself.
the trust arasaka one was the first one I ever did
it's not good imo I hate the outcome at the end
Before i do the last mission i will make a save so i can get back and continue play with all my things i have collected
Best 2 ending so far is when V became the legend and when Johnny takes the body ….V becomes a legend in 2 path , where V goes as Johnny with Rogue and when V goes solo to Saka tower with Johnny .Worst Ending is when V suicide and when V helps Hanako . The unreal ending that usually never happen in real life is the panam ending so yea usually people will say this is the best ending for obvious reason.Enuf said.
For me the Rogue ending was a good one. The bad ones are the suicide and Trust arasaka
Why is Rogue the bad ending in the thumbnail? That's a great ending
The music during the “good ending” is annoying as all hell!!
i cant believe i got the secret ending on my first try without looking at a playthrough.
Best ending by far is the “Don’t fear the reaper” ending. Storm Arasaka by yourself (with Johnny obviously) no one dies on your behalf and you and Johnny take down Adam Samsher yourself becoming night city legend rogue giving you the Afterlife and honouring you as a “living legend” before taking Mr. Blue eyes’ job ensuring that you “never fade away”
Why the fuck you play music so loud in the background