this is my fav game and i wanted to play it in peace and only like 1 hour a day so i can enjoy it longer AND THEN PEOPLE LIKE YOU COME AND SPOIL FUCK THIS
Whiny bitches who complain about spoiler vids a month after a game or movie is out are the type of self entitled narcissist who thinks the world revolves around them and everyone should just pause and not go about their own lives until they have caught up to the others. Here's a tip, stay off YouTube until you're done playing the game and explored every nook and cranny to your hearts content and you're satisfied.
Чёрт. Несмотря на её характер мне её жалко
It’s so immersion breaking seeing that and then swinging a hammer in his fucking face taking no damage lmao
Thanks a lot for spoiler
Why does the gameplay look like fall out
This looks like shit
No smasher didn’t kill rouge, Rouge killed herself, went out on her own terms as one last fuck you to smasher
Take this down. Quit spoiling
Fuck you for the spoiler BITCH
Чем он бил Смэшера?
melee is in my opinion the best way to kill
it does so much damage like JESUS CHRIST
Such stupid dialogue “bastard smasher”
Wypierdalać z tymi spojlerami xD
this is my fav game and i wanted to play it in peace and only like 1 hour a day so i can enjoy it longer AND THEN PEOPLE LIKE YOU COME AND SPOIL FUCK THIS
Whiny bitches who complain about spoiler vids a month after a game or movie is out are the type of self entitled narcissist who thinks the world revolves around them and everyone should just pause and not go about their own lives until they have caught up to the others. Here's a tip, stay off YouTube until you're done playing the game and explored every nook and cranny to your hearts content and you're satisfied.
Thanks for spoiler, dislike
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit
It was even better with the aldecaldos version
Nice spoiler jackass
screw you..
Someone saw too many Doom games 😀
Yo this game seems scary asf im never playing this..
This game was a failure
Oh this game has story, I thougth story mode was also bugged.
Why did I first read “Adam Sandler”?👀