Local netrunner sends gang members to eternal purgatory of pain, suffering and torment because the bag behind them had a skill shard for something the netrunner isn't even spec'd in.
At first I thought "Aren't those screams a little unrealistic", then I realised, their voice could be cybernetic as well, I don't know how much of their bodies are. So it's probably the voice equivalent of what happens on a computer screen if you remove ram while it's running.
Too bad you can get into dogtown only after you deal with voodoo boys. Otherwise, i'd be oh so happy to help Placide and co reach beyond blackwall, just a hop and a skip, no need to bother Alt at all.
This…this is fucking terrifying. They could easily make a Cyberpunk horror game with all the shit beyond the Blackwall. Imagine being a netrunner trying to "run" from rogue AIs.
The funniest thing to me is how this sounds like that meme of Peter Griffin eating rice cakes so every time i blackwall someone in game i cant help but laugh
When you use the quickhack TESTICULAR TORSION!!!
Ah… The good ol' instant seizure button…
The blackwall hacks are the equivalent of meeting Cthulu itself
0:25 god I love this one so much, remind of of that Ramiel scream from Evangelion.
Pretty much equals to "call Grim Reaper himself up here to claim the souls directly"
How it feels to drink the McDonalds Sprite
Lmfao this when I first played cyberpunk on PC on release with high graphics….bye bye graphics card…
what does it do to them?? does it actually like send them to cyber hell?
Analog horror be like
last one sounds like V
Local netrunner sends gang members to eternal purgatory of pain, suffering and torment because the bag behind them had a skill shard for something the netrunner isn't even spec'd in.
When you hit your elbow and your whole nervous system collapses
Phantom Liberty turned 2077 into a horror game for a few minutes.
Every Analog horror jumpscare
Need a cyberpunk dlc where I’m an nusa agent loving my squad then surprise end of the game is V frying my fucking brains out of nowhere
Cardiac arrest, Stroke, Seizure all at the same time
I love YouTube. There's always that one person with an affinity for sound who digs deep for sound files and makes them available to everyone. Thanks.
Pov: my dumbass if I had chrome and unrestricted Net access
At first I thought "Aren't those screams a little unrealistic", then I realised, their voice could be cybernetic as well, I don't know how much of their bodies are. So it's probably the voice equivalent of what happens on a computer screen if you remove ram while it's running.
lol that transcript
Too bad you can get into dogtown only after you deal with voodoo boys. Otherwise, i'd be oh so happy to help Placide and co reach beyond blackwall, just a hop and a skip, no need to bother Alt at all.
This…this is fucking terrifying. They could easily make a Cyberpunk horror game with all the shit beyond the Blackwall.
Imagine being a netrunner trying to "run" from rogue AIs.
So this is what it feels like when you chew five gum?
Sony Online Entertainment servers and data centres when Anonymous launched Operation: Sony
(Am I old for saying this?)
When dubstep artists are killed
idk I love this sound affect a lot mixed with the abrupt screams
I now kind of understand why they scrapped the multiplayer
New ring tone
the old family computer when I try getting a cool sword mouse cursor
Every time I hear ponpon shit
Oddly relaxing
The funniest thing to me is how this sounds like that meme of Peter Griffin eating rice cakes so every time i blackwall someone in game i cant help but laugh
Ngl i might have to try netrunner
Um. I'm 99% sure the first one sounds like Sam Witwer
Me sending a Valentino who just wants to feed his family and protect his neighborhood to cyberhell in the most painful way possible
neuralink mfs when i hit them with that 55 yottabyte zipbomb
"Cause of death: Datamoshed and fed to AI Barracudas"
pov: you're witnessing people try rice cakes