Does Just Playing Level Faster Than Grinding Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

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In todayโ€™s Cyberpunk 2077 guide, we take a look at if it is faster to level just by playing the game or grinding for levels.

Other Video About Leveling:

Get The Game:

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour, and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. ~Steam Store
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By The Talented @xXasdfMAN12Xx AKA: Sean Wolf
#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #CDProjektRed


23 thoughts on “Does Just Playing Level Faster Than Grinding Cyberpunk 2077 Guide”

  1. I havenโ€™t even done the parade mission yet did all other story missions and doing side missions and legendary grinding for random legendarys i have all outfit legendarys i mean grinding for loot that isnโ€™t normally legendary like gas masks or kabutos cuz i wanna have rare one of a kind legendary and im already level 50 max everything and have all wall stash weapons except for about 5 story weapons and i am having a blast

  2. At $60, rushing through the game is like ordering an expensive dinner and wolfing it down as quickly as I do a $5 Taco Bell box.

    But that's just me. I like a ROI and, for me, long playtime and/or replayability is that ROI.

    In the future, if I just wanna rush things, I'll use a trainer for a new game + experience.

  3. Not a great loop tho your running back and forth with 2 parties. I found a place wear you look about 5 groups of enemies over and over again went from 43 – 48 in about 20 mins

  4. I think just play is better, after grinding at my 2nd playthrough I realised… Now that I'm done with the most Sidemission (the only locations I didn't hit for that are the central city and heywood, every other Sidemission is done) befor going to meet Takamura after prolog. I'm lvl 40 now and I think too that this is more then enough.
    The only reason someone wants to max out before anything else is to get all the loot of this game at max lvl but that is not needed anyway as long tech is decided to go for good craft.

  5. Awesome! Glad to see someone test this! Was pretty curious, means ill definitely do a level grind for a character that basically is lvl 50 with no points in anything and no map progress for build diversity fun. Thinking cool as a definite starting 6 points and either tech or intel as the other as both seem universally useful to most any build. Legendary short circuit is too good…

  6. GOG galaxy says i've played 115 hours, most on difficulty hard. Switched to very hard near level 22. I am level 30 now, with street cred 50. A lot of just site seeing and playing around. Watching all cutscenes, quest text etc. I play quite steathily usually. I felt leveling was dog slow. I have yet to start that final main quest line mission, all of the character side quests are complete.

  7. My problem with grinding vs playing is that grinding is boring, and a lot of the content is outleveled by the time you get to it even if you aren't grinding, so if you grind to 50 first then 90% of the content of the game, the good set piece fights that should actually be fun and challenging, will instead be one shot kills and nothing burgers. It's like intentionally trying to ruin the game for yourself.

  8. On Hard difficulty, I just played through all the missions (including Open World ones) in the very first zone, and I was already level 20 and street cred 37 before I started "The Ride". On my 3rd playthrough now and have never needed to grind levels. Grinding perks is one thing, but levels, there is seriously no need.

  9. I feel like this game is missing way too much content and is so unbalanced that there isnโ€™t much incentive to grind? Only times I was kicking myself for not leveling was when you needed to open doors with high technical, hacking, or strength skill.


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