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Cyberpunk 2077’s bugs and glitches have been talked about to death, but now it’s time to discuss the merits of the game. What mechanics need fine tuning and fixing? Today, we discuss that.
#cyberpunk #cyberpunk2077 #cdprojektred
You can filter the map. ROFL WTF look it up. You can upgrade your clothes. I feel like this rant is coming from a place of ignorance.
I‘m confused on your first point. They already have a filter system for the map in the game. I just think they need to highlight it better when opening the map for the first time!
What it boils down to for me is a complete absence of quality of life stuff and a total disregard for asthetics/general role playing. I actually spent 20 minutes looking for a barber shop when I fired up the game before I looked it up and realized that there aren't any barber shops. Why? Why aren't there any barber shops? Why are mundane tasks so grueling and frustrating? In a game world so fleshed out and full of character and thought, why the hell are the menus and systems so disorganized and senseless? This game is an abomination of everything I love about games and everything I hate.
Bro I really want third person I NEED it.
That green hat is so dank.
i mean the first point is something u can do to an extend already, u can just filter to see fast travel points, stores, missions ect its literally shown above the legend and right under filter in the map
Erm.. The map does have a filter
Did you seen Christmas sales in UK and EU and how Cyberpunk fall on third place behind games like ACC Valhalla or Super Mario ??

Epic fail in best time of the year and now we will get much better games in 2021 like Dying Light 2 ( not overhyped )
This should be 20 things to improve.
-The city needs interactable food vendors/bars/gun shops………. immediately after all the fixes.
-Balance the damages and all of the guns/items/skill tree…………. immediately after all the fixes.
-Tweak the driving, it's not bad, but we can do better, much better.
Regina Jones is no more than a Witcher 3 notice board, I wish we were able to actually meet the person who originally contacted her — imagine first going to meet a traumateam npc whose partner has been kidnapped, for example. Talk to that npc, get to know the npc, actually have to enter the hospital there for that to happen — this, I feel would make it feel more open-world-rpg, insted, as it is, sandboxy. But alas….
Anyone get the: You must reach level {int 0} to upgrade this item bug?
They need to have an option to hide clothing that way I can atleast wear everything for the arma and look how I want to look..
By the way…… fix the shit I mentioned below within the initial base game then save the other stuff for the DLC's so that it's manageable. Fix and tweak what needs to be fixed and balanced… then add things through the DLC's, so if we can't have the interactable food vendors etc. then add those in the DLC's, in fact forget free cosmetics and all that jazz in the free DLC packs, just make the DLC be about adding things missing in the game, no one cares about free cosmetics. Fix and add what's needed.
@MrMattyPlays press LEFT ON DPAD for your Map Filter. If you look on the left column at 1:45 you will see the “ZERO” filter applied to your map. Press left on d pad and you can cycle through specific icons you’re looking for
1:46 I wish you reading this an amazing day!! This right here saved me just look up,., e z g o o d p a y
The driving is worse than the bugs!
The filter button in the top left.. does exactly what you want then to add. With it you can filter to have certain icons only so you can more easily find where you want to get going. What more could you want?
There are some simple fixes to make the world feel more alive that CDPR should have no problem implementing with their multi-hundred member team once the bugs are ironed out.
The World:
-Add some side activities like brain dances, strip clubs, night clubs, gambling, mini games, or street racing.
-The world is really silent and could use a lot more ambient sound effects and music. For such a bustling city, it sounds pretty dead.
-Add more interactable vendors.
-Add purchasable vehicle and apartment customization.
– Give them schedules. Nothing as in depth as Elder Scrolls, just have them do more. Walk into shops, talk to vendors, sit at bars, eat at restaurants, dance at clubs, just have them do SOMETHING.
– Have them talk to each other a bit more. They’re eerily silent.
-Have them run and hide only when weapons are used around them or when cars plow into people around them.
-Beef up the enemy ai so they use more tactics against you in combat like flanking, rushing, and taking cover. Also rebalance enemy netrunners so they can only hack you when you’re in their direct line of sight of in the line of sight of one of their cameras.
– Add a lot more car traffic and fix up their ai a bit so they’re not so braindead. Also have cars beep and drivers shout when things get in their way.
This is the big one. Again, easy fix by adding a simple system that makes the police feel real and adds a bit of roleplaying in the process. This may seem like a lot, but CDPR definitely has the resources to implement a system like this.
First off, tone the aggression down a bit. Right now, cop ai works like gang ai. There’s no reason that standing close to a cop should turn them hostile.
Commit a crime, cops show up. They tell you to drop your weapon. They count down from five, giving you time to holster it. You can:
A. Not holster it and fight you’re way out. Similar to GTA, cops give chase, and you need to try to shake them. Use your stealth skill to hide until your stars disappear.
B. Holster it. A cop will approach and attempt to arrest you. You can then:
1. Pass a Cool check to talk your way out (check difficulty corresponds with wanted level)
2. Bribe the cops to let you go (cost of bribe corresponds with wanted level)
3. Surrender and do your time. Screen fades to black and you appear outside the nearest police station, and your Street Cred level decreases (amount of levels decreased corresponds with wanted level)
And for the love of god have the cops come to you in cars or armored vehicles, not just spawn on you.
Simple fixes and additions like these will go a long way to making the world feel more alive, which I think is this game’s biggest problem.
Easy just fire the devs and hire new ones.. Oh wait they are going bankrupt from shareholder lawsuits
Barber shops, facial reconstruction at ripper docs, and the ability to get tattoos and redo your make up in mirrors.
"I would love it if I could change it up whilst retaining stats"
So what are the stats of that jacket, Matty? Not sure CDPR can fix that…
They couldn't even put an animation for you honking your horn. Not like honking your horn does anything anyways. Traffic doesn't stop for you no matter what. Its the worst driving AI out of any game ever. They shouldve at least looked at other open world city games before making this.
I think everyone has their own idea of how Cyberpunk 2077 should be. It's pointless to just pick and choose what it needs and what it blah blah. Just play it for what it is, live the role and experience the adventure and story presented to you. You're really missing out if you just nit pick the material aspects of the game. It has some amazing music score and there's more to it than everyone seems to realize, but give it several years for people to figure it out and it'll be praised along side games like kotor and fable. Highlighting the negative aspects of it will only perpetuate more negativity in the end.
Not sure if automotive physics is at fault or if the game expects you to have a sophisticated analogue to digital car driving gaming peripherals with Hall Effect sensor technology because all cars accelerate with full power right from the get go. This leaves you constantly pressing and unpressing to get some control. Otherwise the cars fishtail, break out and even hydroplane. I should go into the key bindings and/or game controls to see if there is a setting for different kinds of accelerator responses or even if the game supports say, Thrustmaster foot pedals, steering wheels and shifters.
What I miss from the game: Make full key binding possible (there are still keys you can*t change), Mini-Map Zoom Button, another color for your V-Position-Arrow on the world map, Transmog (or more special full body clothing sets for V. My V looks like a clown most of the time), the possibility to dye clothes and cars, a complete crafting overhaul (the ingredients you need are too high in the rarity department and you don*t find enough to craft good stuff even with the perks on), Barbershops/Tattooshops/Delamain Car Garages for repairing, Animations when i have a hot date with my Ripperdoc, the thermal katana added, the camo body cyberware added which grants invisibility for 15 secs, animations and the possibility to sit and eat at the various food stalls and bars, Pool Billard and Dart at the Afterlife, possible dance animations in ALL clubs you can go to, more romance options for all Vs (and more depth, the current ones are ok but lack more alone time together and the possibility to talk about stuff or maybe hear their opinion, they lack a healthy pacing and built up, none of them is really integrated into the Main Story and especially the men are easy to miss when you didn*t look up any guides, Vs background story is really lacking, there is no mystery surrounding V and to make them interesting for the player- I still don*t understand why they scrapped the original Charcreation where you could give V their own motivations and childhood heroes and what not – and the lifepaths felt really hollow and disappointing because after half an hour you end up with streetkid V anyway for the rest of the game,. Last but not least: I really miss the 3rd person cutscenes. I am really sad they scrapped them midway in development. The 48 minute demo a few years back let me bond with the V there more than in my whole 80 hours first playthrough with my own created V. And it renders the char customization completely useless.
You can filter in maps tho
More customization like tattoos & hair styles.
just make sure it has a stable fps on weaker hardware and everyone is happy
Still waiting on a patch to fix the crashes
Hey man, been with you for 6 months and liked everything you have done. Especially your last personal video. But, I won’t take this point by point but I feel you mostly got it wrong. I wonder how yo could have played for 50+ hours and not found the map filter, and how you have issues with the driving. Compared to GTA5 it’s only slightly worse imo, but still great for an rpg. Thanks for what you do, keep goin.
They need to do something with leisure activities, braindance in particular. You can buy bds but it’s pointless if you can’t use em besides some story and side mission stuff which they touted as a main feature in cyberpunk
But there is a map icon filter…
A better police/wanted system. Being able to change eye color or say get chrome colored skin at a ripperdoc. Being able to customize V's apartment. Being able to buy a better apartment in Japantown, or Charter Hill, or an expensive mansion in North Oak. Maybe make it not quite so expensive to upgrade a set of guns and clothes you like. A gang reputation system, so completing gigs could possibly be completed by negotiating if you have a better rep with say 6th street. Why can you do Ncpd mini side quests in badlands or they show up and shoot at V if he or she kills a civilian when they have no presence there? In the character menu have V's guns equipped, a holster for the pistol and yor rifle slung over your back. Enjoying the story these were just a few suggestions I think would improve the experience.
0:54 #1 Map marker mayhem
2:07 #2 Fast traveling
3:43 #3 Hiding your helmet as well as transmogrifying your equipment
5:25 #4 Skill checks
7:39 #5 Bulk crafting
9:18 #6 Driving
(#7 Bugs)
I’m Jewish
I feel like they keep the fast travel like that so people wont naturally just fast travel everywhere and explore