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This is Cinematic walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077. I’m playing on the Hardest difficulty. All gameplay recorded from PC RTX 3080 at High Settings in 4K 60 FPS, Raytracing and HDR.
This is also 100% walkthrough, here you will see All Collectables and its locations.
If you enjoyed this walkthrough – press “like” and subscribe. Please, leave a comment below, I’m happy for all feedback i can get!
#Cyberpunk2077 #4K #HDR
YouTube is still processing the video, should be 4k pretty soon. Please be patient. Thank you!
Nice vid as always 😀
Pineapple what type of capture card do you need to record gameplay from ps5?
You make it feel so real, realistic motion on every steps of the way, like no one else does on youtube. You're simply the best "Pineapple"
You deserve more. Dedication , simulation pacing, and only 3,7 k subs, people really live under a rock……..
Great gameplay as always. Is this footage from PS5 or PC with PS controller?
So you're doing the other 2 paths later right?
Do you collect all the shards too?
just waiting for u to play it i actually thought ur going to choose the street kid path most of the people in YouTube have chosen that path but ok i wanted to see the other paths too i think i have to find someone that have choaen the corpo path
I think the percentage of chosen paths is this
Street kid =50% of people have chosen this path
Nomad=30% of people have chosen this path
Corpo=20% of people have chosen this path
This is my personal thinking it can be different
what this, AC and CoD
I hope you install the new drivers, can crank that high to ultra
Will you play it on 3rd person camera?
where is the side quests
how are you finding the performance?
are you getting a consistent 60, and is it maxed out?
i read on the steam forum that there are people struggling to run it appreciably on high end cards.
14:17 I bet V was thinking yeah yeah Fuck you to Johnny Law
Thanks for uploading in HDR. The game looks surreal
Still not 4k
I love the fact that you chose V's default face. It's already perfect.
I always scroll trough diferent walkthroughs trying to find the best combination of exploring/story/roleplaying and actually having the skill to play the game and always end up here, you sir are a excellent content creator
I heard that the AI in this is very bad. Does anyone know if this it true or are they just hating on it? People are saying that the gun fights feel clunky, enemies have no perception and don't move around much in combat and silencers are often broken. Are these random bugs or is it all around that bad?
Man was waiting for your walkthrough, love the way you are playing.
Finally it's here
Just found you and so far loving your style dude or dudette.
so fucking slow holy shit thought i was gonna die of cancer before anything happened
how do you not a more subs?
I would 100% this shit game but it's like everytime I try to one mission glitches and I cant complete it
Illegal Contraband of some big Corporation, who could have guess it was a lizard.
It's almost like this game and your play-style were made for each other… This is going to be one hell of a ride. I can't wait. Thank you for this. 🙏
Is this on max graphics?
Love the way you play games Pineapple ! Detailed , allowing your viewers to get really fully immersed into the world along side you. Great job my man !
You should have more subs!! I love this.