Quest Mechanics & Consequences in Cyberpunk 2077

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Consequences for various quest mechanics in Cyberpunk 2077.

A few mechanics not included in Cyberpunk (because it was already quite long):
– Stealth vs guns blazing
– Lethal vs Non-Lethal
– Time gated quests
– Attribute checks



26 thoughts on “Quest Mechanics & Consequences in Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. omg thank you for the alt dialogue choices, I always choose all blue before yellow for completionist sake but yeah, next playthrough before PL I'll know, as well as the letting the timer run out.

  2. Too bad they put 0 effort into the lethality system. I was expecting something similar to Dishonored, where there was some sort of incentive to not body everyone you meet. Could be nonlethal gives you less enemies to deal with, a less stark ending, etc. Feels bad that they have like no more than 5 interactions where it barely matters

  3. The whole takemura dying quest never sat quite right with me, the lack of quest objectives saying to go save him always feels overly misleading. Althrough I managed to save him on my first playthrough cause there was no way I'd leave him without checking it feels wrong to not have a quest marker

  4. I mean alt's not really alt (it's rogue AI captured part of soulkilled alt's engram which has been done by Spider, thus lacking a lot of personality and reason it states alt is no more, and last convo with Johnny will be very awkward only saying β€œYes” and very partial memory and sensation of her past.
    Many people overlook this difference (it's sorta minor for the gameplay but it's pretty big lore wise)

    and yea PL can expand on so many many quests and characters. I really do hope there are more branches and new gigs, new connections.

  5. If you said yes to Johnny's will you take a bullet for me questing but said "nice gesture, but you can't give me something I already have" in the follow up dialog the plan would be for V to keep the body, Johnny will object in Mikoshi if you cross the bridge as V and V will object if you return to the body as Johnny.

  6. Looove videos like this, thanks choom! I didnt even make the link between Joanne and trunk guy- i'll stop letting him flee now lol

  7. one thing i learned after putting 500 hours into this game is just how deep and complex the narrative can get. people talked about how this game does not have any choice and consequence, that the prologue is as deep as it gets. and from a gameplay perspective sure, that is true. the maelstrom compound can vary wildly with seemingly instant consequence to action, but the rest of this game is a slow burn that rewards the player for paying attention to what they are doing. i don't think i played a game that can feel so different depending on how you talk to people. New Vegas comes to mind first because its my favorite rpg ever, but even in that game, you are kinda railroaded into 4 different endings, and the second battle for Hoover Dam is only plays different depending on if sided with the Legion or not. However New Vegas narrative strength comes from world building and a larger almost silent narrative locked behind exploration and terminals and the opinions of citizens that will be affected by who governs the region. Cyberpunks narrative I think is way more relationship based. Depending on how you treat people, you can strongly influence the character of V. You may not get to change the world like you can in New Vegas, but you can change the lives of the people you come across in many meaningful ways. I think that's really powerful and I think Cyberpunk delivered the best narrative in 2020, and I hope they can give us a very ambitious story in 2023, keeping its very strong themes.

    keep in mind, im kinda stupid, and a lot of the time stories can fly right over my head because i get lost in my own deconstruction of the narrative being told, but i think that's the beauty of storytelling. it can mean so many different things based on your current perspective of the world and yourself.


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